List Permissions

List the Permissions on an existing File or Folder in OneDrive.


Field Definition Type Required
Result Set

Choose a method to filter search results:

  • First 200 Records: Returns the first 200 matching records.

  • Stream Records: Passes all matching user records from your parent flow to a helper flow.

    Selecting this option adds a Streaming input section to the card where you can select a helper flow for streaming and add custom extensible fields.

Dropdown TRUE

Choose a source:

  • My Drive: authenticated user's OneDrive.
  • Drive ID: a specified drive by the drive's unique ID.
  • Group ID: a specified group's document library for a group by the group's unique ID.
  • User ID: a specified user by the user's unique ID.
Dropdown TRUE


Field Definition Type Required
Drive ID

Unique ID for the drive requested.

Appears when Drive ID is selected from the Source option.

String TRUE
Group ID

Unique ID for the group which owns the document library.

Appears when Group ID is selected from the Source option.

String TRUE
User ID

Unique ID for the user object who owns the drive item.

Appears when User ID is selected from the Source option.

String TRUE
Drive Item
File or Folder ID Unique ID of the file or folder. String TRUE

Click Choose Flow to browse and select a helper flow where the search results will be streamed, then click Choose to confirm.

Optionally, click the empty field under Click or drop here to create and add custom extensible fields that pass data to the helper flow. These fields are added as key/value pairs under the State output object in the helper flow.

Appears when Stream Records is selected from the Result Set option.

List Criteria
Record Limit

Specify the number of records to stream.

  • When the Limit field is set to 0, the stream returns no records.

  • When the Limit field is set to greater than 0, the stream returns up to the maximum number specified.

  • When the Limit field is empty, null, or not selected, the stream returns all records.

  • The default value is 10000000 (10 million).

  • The valid range is 0 to 10000000.

This field appears when you select Stream Records from the Result Set option.

String TRUE


Field Definition Type
Permission ID Unique ID of the permission. String
Roles Type of user permission. List of Strings
Granted To Displays details of the users and applications for the user permission. Object
Granted To Identities Displays details of the users to whom permission was granted. List of Objects
Inherited From Provides a reference to the ancestor of the current permission, if it is inherited from an ancestor. Object
Invitation Details of any associated sharing invitation for this permission. Object
Link Provides the link details of the current permission, if it is a link type permissions. Object
Share ID Unique token that can be used to access this shared item via the shares API. String
Expiration Date Indicates the expiration time of the permission.
For example, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
Date and Time
Has Password? True if the password is set for this permission, it's only showing in response; otherwise False. Boolean
Raw Data Raw JSON payload returned from the Microsoft Graph API for this particular action. Object
Records Streamed

Number of records streamed in a streaming flow.

This field appears when you select Stream Records from the Result Set option.


Additional information

  • Users must be part of the group or have direct access to the file to read permissions of a file in that group.

  • Admins must be a member of the group.

Related topics

OneDrive connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for OneDrive connector

Microsoft Graph API documentation