Read On-Call Participants

Read current or next on-call participants of a specific schedule.


Make sure that the API key that's used to create the Opsgenie connection for this card is not team-specific. Otherwise, any input value in the Team ID or Team Name fields on this card will not override the team that's specified by a team-specific API key. It is recommended to create and manage API keys on the Opsgenie API key management page.

Input and Output fields that display are the result of the combination of Options fields selected.


Field Definition Type Required

Call Schedule

Call schedule of participants.

Choose one of the following options to display your search results:

  • Current: Specifies on-call users of the schedule.
  • Next: Specifies the next on-call user in the schedule.



Schedule Identifier

Identifier of the schedule.

Choose one of the following options to display your search results:

  • Schedule ID: Unique ID of the schedule.
  • Schedule Name: Name of the schedule.



Flatten Usernames?

Option to display usernames of on-call participants.

Choose one of the following options to display your search results:


  • If Current is selected from the On-Call Schedule Options, retrieves user names of all on-call participants as an array of strings.
  • If Next is selected from the On-Call Schedule Options, retrieves user names of all next on-call participants as an array of strings.


  • If Current is selected from the On-Call Schedule Options, an array of objects is displayed in the Output.

  • If Next is selected from the On-Call Schedule Option, retrieves user names of all next on-call participants as an array of objects.




These fields are dynamically generated based on the fields chose in the Options fields.

Field Definition Type

Schedule ID

Unique ID of the schedule.

This field displays when Schedule ID is selected from the Schedule Identifier Options.


Schedule Name

Name of the schedule.

This field displays when Schedule Name is selected from the Schedule Identifier Option.



Starting date of the schedule. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. Default date is the moment of the time that request is received.

This field displays when Current is selected from the On-Call Schedule Options.

Date & Time

After Date

Specifies the participants who appear on the shift after the next date.

Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. Default date is the moment of the time that request is received.

This field displays when Next is selected from the On-Call Schedule Options.

Date & Time


These fields are dynamically generated based on the fields chose in the Options fields.

Field Definition Type




Specifies the current participant or team in the schedule.

This field displays if Current is selected from the On-Call Schedule Options.


Next On-Call

Specifies the next participant or team in the schedule.

This field displays when Next is selected from the On-Call Schedule Option.

List of Text

Exact Next On-Call

Specifies the participant who is on-call in the next 14 day time period.

This field displays when Next is selected from the On-Call Schedule Option.

List of Text


"id": "0d58e228-e96e-4fe7-ab1c-db61306f39c0",
"name": "Schedule 1",
"enabled": true
"id": "d00f95c1-2cce-4110-adbc-2ceca786c305",
"name": "",
"type": "user"
"id": "d00f95c1-2cce-4110-adbc-2ceca786c305",
"name": "",
"type": "user"
"id": "d00f95c1-2cce-4110-adbc-2ceca786c305",
"name": "",
"type": "user"
"id": "10b59e43-b213-4988-932e-98c13d086568",
"name": "",
"type": "user"
"took": 0.068,
"requestId": "f01bd7ad-9b20-40bc-ad4d-dcf8ef389dd3"

Related topics

Opsgenie connector

Workflow elements

Opsgenie API overview