List Employees

List employees in your Personio instance.


Field Definition Type Required
Result Set

Choose one of the following options to display your search results:

  • First 100 Records - returns the first 100 matching employees.

  • Stream Records - pass all matching records from your parent flow to a helper flow. Selecting this option adds a Streaming input section where you can select a helper flow for streaming and add custom extensible fields.



To learn how to return large numbers of records, see Stream matching records with a helper flow.


Field Definition Type Required



This field appears when you select Stream Records for the Result Set option.

Click Choose Flow to select a helper flow where the search results will be streamed, then click Choose to confirm.

Optionally, click the empty field under Click or drop here to create and add custom extensible fields that pass data to the helper flow. These fields are added as key and value pairs, and can be accessed from inside the State object in the helper flow.

The helper flow must specify an input object named Record.

To obtain streamed records, the input field of the Helper Flow card in the streaming helper flow must reference the Record subobject inside the passed Record object. The Record subobject contains the employee information.

To obtain the passed state input values, reference the State subobject inside the passed object.



Record limit

This field appears when you select Stream Records for the Result Set option.

Specify the number of records to stream.

  • When the Record Limit field is set to 0, no records are returned.

  • When the Record Limit field is set to a value greater than 0, the card returns up to the maximum number of records specified.

  • When the Record Limit field is empty, null, or not selected, all records are streamed.

  • Default value is 500,000.

  • Valid range is from 0 to 500,000.




The results depend on what you selected as the Result Set in the Options section for the card.

Field Definition Type



List of Objects

ID Unique identifier for the employee


First Name Employee's first name


Last Name Employee's family name



Email address for the employee.

This is predefined as the unique identifier used to assign employee data during import activity.


Gender Employee's gender


Status Employee status: Onboarding, Active, Inactive, Leave


Position Position currently held within the company



Employee's supervisor

  • ID (Text) - Supervisor's unique identifier

  • First Name (Text) - Supervisor's first name

  • Last Name (Text) - Supervisor's family name

  • Email (Text) - Supervisor's email


Employment Type Indicates whether an employee is employed internally or externally


Weekly Hours An employee's contractually agreed weekly working hours. This value is linked to the employee salary.


Hire Date Date from which a work contract is effective

Date & Time

Contract End Date Date on which a fixed-term work contract expires

Date & Time

Termination Date Date on which the employment terminates. After this date, the employee status is automatically set to Inactive

Date & Time

Termination Type Termination type


Termination Reason Reason for termination


Probation Period End Date End date of the probation period

Date & Time

Created At Creation date for the employee record

Date & Time

Last Modified Date when the employee record was last updated

Date & Time


Subcompany that an employee works for if subcompanies have been set up

  • ID (Text) - Subcompany's unique identifier

  • Name (Text) - Subcompany name



Office where an employee works

  • ID (Text) - Office unique identifier

  • Name (Text) - Office name



Department where an employee works

  • ID (Text) - Department's unique identifier

  • Name (Text) - Department name


Cost Center

The relevant cost center. You can select several cost centers and assign different charge percentages to each.

  • ID (Text) - Cost center unique identifier

  • Name (Text) - Cost center name

  • Percentage (Number) - Percentage of allocated cost

List of Objects

Public Holidays

Employee's public holidays

  • ID (Text) - Public holiday unique identifier

  • Name (Text) - Public holiday name

  • Country (Text) - Public holiday country

  • State (Text) - Public holiday state


Absence Entitlements

Employee's absence entitlements

  • ID (Text) - Absence entitlement unique identifier

  • Name (Text) - Absence entitlement name

  • Category (Text) - Absence entitlement category

  • Entitlement (Text) - Absence entitlement type

List of Objects

Work Schedule

Employee's work schedule

  • ID (Text) - Work schedule unique identifier

  • Name (Text) - Work schedule name

  • Valid From (Text) - Work schedule start

  • Monday (Text) - Scheduled hours

  • Tuesday (Text) - Scheduled hours

  • Wednesday (Text) - Scheduled hours

  • Thursday (Text) - Scheduled hours

  • Friday (Text) - Scheduled hours

  • Saturday (Text) - Scheduled hours

  • Sunday (Text) - Scheduled hours


Fixed Salary

Employee's fixed salary

  • Value (Number) - Employee's salary

  • Currency (Text) - Currency type


Salary Interval Interval between salary payments


Hourly Salary

Employee's hourly salary

  • Value (Number) - Employee's salary

  • Currency (Text) - Currency type


Vacation Day Balance Number of vacation days available


Last Day of Work Final day of employment

Date & Time

Profile Picture URL for employee's profile picture



Employee's team

  • ID (Text) - Team's unique identifier

  • Name (Text) - Team name


Custom Fields User-defined employee fields. Dynamically generated per connection. Various


Records Streamed

Appears only when the Result Set option is Stream Records.

Number of records streamed in a streaming flow.


Known issues

When using the List Employees action card, avoid making any updates to employee records, either through the Update Employee action card or direct API calls. Some records can be skipped or returned twice if the source is updated during the card execution.

Also, to improve performance, limit the number of Readable employee attributes specified during creation of the API credentials.

Related topics

Personio connector


Workflow elements

Personio REST API