Search Users

Search for a specific Zoom user.


Additional fields may be available depending on the connection and options you choose.


Field Definition Type Required
Result Set Indicates the level of accuracy for the search results:
  • Exact Match will produce only results that match the search string in the Username field.

  • Partial Match will produce results with only a partial string; for example, if you use joe, the search will produce all usernames that contain joe in them.

Dropdown FALSE


Field Definition Type Required
Username Sign-in username of the user. String TRUE

If you leave the Username field blank, the result set will contain all users in the account.

Output Result

Field Definition Type Required
User ID

Unique identifier of the user.

String FALSE
Username User's email address. String FALSE
Primary Email Primary email address associated with the user. String FALSE
First Name User's first name. String FALSE
Last Name User's last name. String FALSE
Display Name Name of the user that is visible to other team members; the display name may be different than the user's full name. String FALSE
Department Name of user's department. String FALSE
User Type Type of user; see Account Types.

Okta supports old user types (Pro and Corp) if you are already using them.

  • Basic: user without a paid license
  • Licensed: user with a paid account who can host unlimited meetings on the public cloud
  • On-Prem: user with paid account who can host unlimited meetings with the on-premises meeting connector
Dropdown FALSE
Active? True if the user account is active; False, otherwise. Boolean FALSE
Login Using SSO? True, if the new user will access Zoom using single sign-on; False, otherwise. Boolean FALSE
Login Using Work Email? True if the new user will access Zoom using a work email address; False, otherwise. Boolean FALSE

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Zoom connector

Workflow elements

Zoom API