Troubleshoot inactive flows

There are several scenarios in which you won't be able to activate a flow.

  • Invalid credentials: You must have valid credentials for all connectors that are used in a flow. If you can't authenticate to a connector, then you won't be able to run that flow.

  • Outdated connectors and cards: Unless otherwise stated, all connector upgrades are backwards compatible. However, some upgrades will cause an interruption to a flow. In such cases, Okta will publish documentation and release notes on how to upgrade and rerun your flows. For example, an upgrade may require you to replace the existing actions cards in your flows.

  • Misconfigured flows: Input and output field mappings and functions within flows are not configured properly. For example, if the output field of an action card is of the type Number but it is mapped to an input field of a different type, then the flow will likely not run properly.

Alerts in the Workflows Console provide the name of the connector and an ID for debugging purposes.