
Using any event or action card in a flow requires a connection with the third-party application to which it belongs.

For example, both the Create User card for Salesforce and the New Email event card for Gmail need a connection to the Salesforce and Gmail applications, respectively.

Choose a connection for a card

When you first add a card, Okta prompts you to choose a connection. If you've already used a connection for that application, that connection is selected by default.

The process of creating a connection depends on the application and the authorization type required by the service. Most Connectors have an authorization section that outlines how to configure the connection for that application.

Create multiple connections

You can also create multiple connections for the same application, using different user accounts. This can also be useful for configuring multiple environments such as your test, staging, or production environments.

Manage these connections in the Workflows platform by going to the Connections page.

Update a connection

After you've selected a connection, you can modify any settings by clicking the connection name at the top of the card. If a connection isn't working, or any required options are missing, Okta displays a red icon beside the connection name. A green check mark indicates that the connection is healthy, including all required options.

Related topics

Action and function cards

Build and test a flow