Step 3: Create the Else branch

  1. In the Run when FALSE portion of the If/Else branch, click Add AnotherFunctionBranchingContinue/If.
  2. Drag and drop the Body from the Custom API Actions card to the value a field of the Continue If card.

  3. In the comparison field, select is not empty.

  4. ClickAdd AnotherFunctionDate & TimeNow.

  5. Click Add AnotherFunctionDate & TimeUnix.

  6. Drag and drop the date field form the Now card to the start field of the Unix card.

  7. Click the output field of the Unix card and select Customize.

  8. In the Unix card, enter generatedID in the display name field.

  9. Click Add AnotherFunctionTextConcatenate.

  10. Drag and drop the prefix value from the first Concatenate card into text1 of the new Concatenate card.

  11. Drag and drop generatedID from the Unix card into text2 of the new Concatenate card.

  12. In the input field, enter your preferred domain name (in the format

  13. Click the output field of the Concatenate card and select Customize.

  14. Enter _unique_email_address_ in the display name field.

  15. In the Run when FALSE portion of the If/Else branch click Add AnotherFunctionTextCompose.

  16. Enter the following:

{ "commands": [ { "type": "com.okta.appUser.profile.update", "value": { "email": "" } } ]}

  1. Drag and drop the unique_email_address field from the Concatenate card into the blank space of the compose card (after email":").

  2. Click the output field of the Compose card and select Customize.

  3. Enter import_inlinehook_response in the display name field.

  4. In the Run when FALSE portion of the If/Else branch, click Add AnotherFunctionFlow ControlReturn Raw.

  5. Drag and drop theimport_inlinehook_response field from the Compose card into the body of the Return Raw card.

  6. Click Save, and then name your flow. Be sure to select Save All Data.

  7. In the Okta Workflows Console, toggle the Flow is OFF switch to ON.

Next steps

Step 4: Trigger the flow