
When you add a Google Docs card to a flow for the first time, Okta Workflows prompts you to configure the connection. This connection links to your Google Docs account and saves your account information, so you can reuse this connection for future Google Docs flows.

You can create multiple connections and manage them from your Connections page.


To create a Google Docs connection, follow these steps:

  1. In the Okta Workflows Console, go to Connections.

  2. Click New Connection to see a list of all available connectors.

  3. Select the Google Docs connector.

  4. In the New Connection window, enter a Connection Nickname. This is the display name that appears in your connections list.

    If you plan on authorizing multiple Google Docs accounts, make this nickname unique.

  5. Click Create.

The new connection appears in the Connections list.

Related topics

Google Docs connector

Cards in flows

Google Docs API Documentation