Send Mobile Device MDM Command

Send a MDM command to a mobile device in Jamf Pro Classic API.


Field Definition Type Required
Command Name Choose one of the following options as the command you want to sent to the mobile device:
  • Delete Name: Delete the device name that has an active account on the mobile device.
  • Device Location: Provide the location of the mobile device.
  • Device Lock: Locs the mobile device. If the mobile device has a passcode, the user must enter it to unlock the mobile device.
  • Disable Lost Mode: Disable Lost Mode on the mobile device.
  • Enable Lost Mode: Enable Lost Mode on the device. Lost Mode locks the mobile device and displays your custom messaging on the device's Lock screen.
  • Erase Device: Permanently erase institutional data and settings from the mobile device.
  • Passcode Lock Grace Period: Amount of time that a device's screen can be locked before requiring a passcode to unlock it.
  • Play Lost Mode Sound: Play lost mode sound on the mobile device.
  • Restart Device: Restart a mobile device.
  • Schedule OS Update: Schedule an OS version update on a computer and prompts the user.
  • Settings Disabled Bluetooth: Disable bluetooth settings on the mobile device.
  • Shut Down Device: Shut down the mobile device. Clears the passcode on the mobile device. If this option is chosen, the Clear Passcode command is sent to the device before the mobile device is shutdown.
  • Wallpaper: Set up wallpaper on the mobile device using Jamf Pro Icon ID.
  • Refresh Cellular Plans: Refresh the cellular plans.




Command Info fields are dynamically generated based on the fields selected in Options.

Field Definition Type Required
Mobile Device
ID Unique mobile device ID.



Command Info

Device Name Name of mobile device.

Required when any of the following fields, Device Name, is selected from Options.



Lock Message Message for lock mode.

Optional when Device Lock is selected from Options.



Lost Mode Message Displays the lost mode message.

Required when Enable Lost Mode is selected from Options and Lost Mode Phone is not set.



Lost Mode Phone Phone number to be displayed on the lost mobile device.

Required when Enable Lost Mode is selected from Options and Lost Mode Message is not set.



Lost Mode Footnote Displays the footnote for the Enable Lost Mode command

Optional when Enable Lost Mode is selected from Options.



Always Enforce Lost Mode If true, Enable Lost Mode is enabled after the mobile device is wiped and re-enrolled.

Optional when Enable Lost Mode is selected from Options; default value is true.



Lost Mode With Sound If true, plays a sound on the mobile device when the Enable Lost Mode command is sent.

Optional when Enable Lost Mode is selected from Options; default value is false.



Preserve Data Plan If true, the data plan is preserved when issuing the Erase Device command.

Optional when Erase Device is selected from Options; default value is false.



Disallow Proximity Setup If true, on the next reboot Proximity Setup is not allowed and the pane in Setup Assistant will be skipped.

Optional when Erase Device is selected from Options; default value is false.



Clear Activation Lock If true, indicates clear activation lock is enabled and clears the passcode on the mobile device.

Optional when Erase Device is selected from Options; default value is false.



Passcode Lock Grace Period Number of seconds the screen must be locked before unlock attempts will require the mobile device passcode.

Required if Passcode Lock Grace Period, is selected from Options.



Install Action Specify the behavior of the install. Optional when Schedule OS Update is selected from Options.

Possible values:

  • 1 = Download the update for users to install

  • 2 = Download and install the update, and restart devices after installation.



Product Version Specify the OS version of the update.

Optional when Schedule OS Update is selected from Options.



Wallpaper Settings Where to set wallpaper.

Optional when Wallpaper is selected from Options.

Possible values are:

  • 1 = Lock screen
  • 2 = Home screen
  • 3 = both



Wallpaper ID ID of existing icon within Jamf Pro to use.

Required when Wallpaper is selected from Options.



E Sim Server URL Carrier's eSIM server URL to query.

Optional when Refresh Cellular Plans is selected from Options.




Field Definition Type
Status Code

Result of the operation. The connector returns an HTTP status code that indicates whether the action taken by the card succeeded or failed. For example:

  • A 201 Created status code indicates success where a new resource was created.
  • A 403 Forbidden error indicates that the HTTP request wasn't processed because the necessary permissions were missing.

For a full list of possible status codes, see HTTP status codes.


Related topics

Jamf Pro Classic API connector

Workflow elements

Jamf Pro Classic API API overview