Create Channel

Create a Microsoft Teams channel.


Field Definition Type Required
ID Unique ID of the team.




Display Name Display name of the channel. Maximum limit of 50 characters.



Description Description for the channel.



Is Favorite By Default If True, indicates whether the channel should automatically be marked favorite for all members of the team.



Membership Type Type of the channel. Possible values are:
  • Standard - Channel inherits the list of all members of the parent team.

  • Private - Channel can have members that are a subset of all the members on the parent team. Limit of 30 private channels per team.

  • Members can only be added to private channels.

  • Members can only be removed from private channels.



User IDs Unique identifier for the user.
  • Users can only be added to private channels.

  • Users can only be removed from private channels.

List of Text


For membership type, when creating a private channel, the entire team is added as members of the channel. After a delay, the user who created the Workflows connection is assigned as an owner of the channel.


Field Definition Type
ID Unique ID of the channel.


Display Name Display name of the channel.


Description Description for the channel.


Email Email address for sending messages to the channel.


Is Favorite By Default Specifies whether the channel should automatically be marked favorite for all members of the team.


Web URL Hyperlink that will go to the team in the Microsoft Teams client. This is the URL that you get when you right-click a team in the Microsoft Teams client and select Get link to team.


Membership Type Specifies the type of the channel. Possible values are Standard and Private.


Created Date Time Date and time that the channel was created.

Date & Time

Status Code

Result of the operation. The connector returns an HTTP status code that indicates whether the action taken by the card succeeded or failed. For example:

  • A 201 Created status code indicates success where a new resource was created.
  • A 403 Forbidden error indicates that the HTTP request wasn't processed because the necessary permissions were missing.

For a full list of possible status codes, see HTTP status codes.


Additional information

  • Add users to private channels only.

  • All users who have been added to a private channels must already be a member of the Team.

  • Users previously added to private channels can only be removed from private channels.

  • All User IDs passed into the card are made owners of the private channel.

  • The user account used to created the Workflows connection is automatically be added to the list of users by the connector. It is not necessary to pass in the user ID for the connected user.

Related topics

Microsoft Teams connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for Microsoft Teams connector

Microsoft Teams API overview