Read Employee
Read an employee's information in NetSuite.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Use Custom Fields? |
Choose an option for the use of custom output fields:
The card can display up to 100 primitive type (Boolean, number, or text) custom fields. |
Dropdown |
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Employee |
ID |
The ID of the employee. |
Text |
Field | Definition | Type |
Employee |
ID |
The ID of the employee. |
Text |
Account |
The account number for the employee's benefits provider. |
Text |
Accrued Times |
List of Objects |
Accrual Method |
The method by which the payroll item accrues. |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the accrual method. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the accrual method. |
Text |
Accrual Rate |
The rate at which the payroll item accrues. |
Number |
Accrued Hours |
The total number of accrued hours. |
Number |
Effective Date |
The date on which this payroll item became effective. |
Text |
Expiration Date |
The date on which this payroll item is set to expire. |
Text |
Is Inactive |
Indicates whether the payroll item is active. |
True/False |
Max Accrued Hours |
The maximum number of accrued hours. |
Number |
Monetary Rate |
The monetary rate that is used as a basis for this payroll item. |
Number |
Pay Type |
The payment type of the payroll item. |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the payment type. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the payment type. |
Text |
Payroll Item |
The payroll item associated with the employee record. |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the payroll item. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the payroll item. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the payroll item. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the accrued time. |
Text |
Name |
The name of the accrued time. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the accrued time. |
Text |
Reset At Year End |
Indicates whether the system should zero the total Accrued Hours and restart calculations each calendar year. |
True/False |
Addresses |
List of Objects |
Address |
The address record for the employee. |
Object |
Address 1 |
The first line of the address. |
Text |
Address 2 |
The second line of the address. |
Text |
Addressee |
The addressee name for this address record. |
Text |
Phone |
The phone number of the addressee. |
Text |
Text Address |
The value of any included free-form address text. |
Text |
Attention |
The name of the person to whom any shipment is addressed, as it should appear on shipping labels. |
Text |
City |
The city for the address record. |
Text |
Country ID |
The country ID for the address. |
Text |
Country Reference Name |
The display name of the country for the address. |
Text |
Has Custom Text Address |
Identifies whether the free-form address text field contains a custom address. |
True/False |
State/Province |
The state or province for the address record. |
Text |
Zip Code |
The ZIP code for the address record. |
Text |
Text Address |
The value of the free-form address text field. |
Text |
Address ID |
The ID of the address record, returned as a text string. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the address record, returned as a number. |
Number |
Is Default Billing |
Identifies whether the address record is the default for billing purposes. |
True/False |
Is Default Shipping |
Identifies whether the address record is the default for shipping purposes. |
True/False |
Internal ID |
The internal ID of the address record. |
Number |
Label |
A label for the address record. |
Text |
The ADP ID of the employee. |
Text |
Alien Number |
The alien number of the employee. |
Text |
Expense Approval Limit |
The maximum amount that the employee can approve for an expense report if they're specified as an approver for another employee. |
Number |
Expense Approver |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the person that approves the employee's expense reports. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The name of the person that approves the employee's expense reports. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the person that approves the employee's expense reports. |
Text |
Authorized To Work Until |
The last date that the employee is authorized to work. |
Text |
Base Wage |
The base wage of the employee. |
Number |
Base Wage Type |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the employee's base wage type. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's base wage type. |
Text |
Billing Class |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the billing class used to determine the default pricing for the service item. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the billing class used to determine the default pricing for the service item. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the billing class used to determine the default pricing for the service item. |
Text |
Birth Date |
The employee's birth date. |
Text |
Bonus Target |
The target bonus amount for the employee, as either a percentage of the employee's base wage or a specific amount. |
Number |
Bonus Target Comments |
An additional relevant information about the employee's bonus target. |
Text |
Bonus Target Pay Frequency |
Object |
ID |
The ID to determine how often this bonus could be awarded to the employee. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the bonus target frequency. |
Text |
Bonus Target Type |
Object |
ID |
The ID that represents the bonus award type. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the bonus award type. |
Text |
Employee is Template |
Defines whether the employee is a template record. |
Text |
Campaigns Reference Name |
The display name of the campaigns associated with the employee. |
List of Text |
Change Reason Details |
Any details that describe an effective-dated change. |
Text |
Class |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the employee's class. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's class. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's class. |
Text |
Notes |
Any comments included on the employee's record. |
Text |
Is Concurrent Web Services User |
Indicates whether the user is allowed concurrent web services access. |
True/False |
Currency |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the currency used for transactions with this employee. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the currency used for transactions with this employee. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the currency used for transactions with this employee. |
Text |
Available Currencies |
List of Objects |
ID |
The ID of a currency available to the employee. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of a currency available to the employee. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of a currency available to the employee. |
Text |
Custom Form |
Object |
ID |
The ID of an existing custom form for this record type. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of an existing custom form for this record type. |
Text |
Date Created |
The date and time when the employee record was created. |
Date & Time |
Default Address |
The text format of the employee's address. |
Text |
Default Billing Address |
The default billing address of the employee. |
Text |
Default Job Resource Role |
Object |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's default job resource role. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the employee's default job resource role. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's default job resource role. |
Text |
Default Shipping Address |
The default shipping address of the employee. |
Text |
Default Expense Report Currency |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the default currency for the employee's expense reports. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the default currency for the employee's expense reports. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the default currency for the employee's expense reports. |
Text |
Department |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the employee's department. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's department. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's department. |
Text |
Driver License Number |
The number of the employee's driver license. |
Text |
The email of the employee. |
Text |
Employee Status |
Object |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's status. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the employee's status. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's status. |
Text |
Employee Type |
Object |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's type. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the employee's type. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's type. |
Text |
Employee Permissions |
List of Objects |
Permission |
The permission that is assigned to the employee. |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the permission assigned to the employee. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the permission assigned to the employee. |
Text |
Permission Level |
The level of the permission assigned to the employee. |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the permission level. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the permission level. |
Text |
Enable Deduction Limits |
Indicates whether the deduction credit memos and charge back invoices will be created. |
True/False |
Entity ID |
Unique identifier for the employee record. This is shown as the Employee ID in the NetSuite interface. |
Text |
Ethnicity |
Object |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's ethnicity. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the employee's ethnicity. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's ethnicity. |
Text |
Expense Limit |
The amount this employee can expense without approval from a supervisor or approver. |
Number |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee. |
Text |
Fax |
The fax number for the employee. |
Text |
First Name |
The first name of the employee. |
Text |
Gender |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the employee's gender. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's gender. |
Text |
Has Login Access |
Identifies whether the employee has access to NetSuite. |
True/False |
Global Subscription Status |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the subscription status for campaign messages. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the subscription status for campaign messages. |
Text |
Hire Date |
The date this employee was hired. |
Text |
Home Phone |
The home phone number of the employee. |
Text |
Is I-9 Verified |
Identifies whether the employee has completed an I-9 form. |
True/False |
Image |
Object |
External ID |
The external ID of the image file uploaded to the employee's account. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the image file uploaded to the employee's account. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the image file uploaded to the employee's account. |
Text |
Is Inherit IP Addresses from Company |
Indicates whether to allow this employee NetSuite access at the IP addresses listed on the Company Information page. |
True/False |
Initials |
The initials of the employee. |
Text |
Extra Allowed IP Addresses |
The IP addresses where this employee has access. |
Text |
Is Inactive |
Specifies whether the employee is inactive. |
True/False |
Is Job Manager |
Indicates whether the employee is a project manager. |
True/False |
Is Project Resource |
Indicates whether the employee is to be added as a resource on projects and tasks. |
True/False |
Is Sales Representative |
Identifies whether the employee is a sales representative or not. |
True/False |
Is Support Representative |
Identifies whether the employee is a support representative or not. |
True/False |
Job |
Object |
External ID |
The external ID of the project (or job) record associated with the employee. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the project (or job) record associated with the employee. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the project (or job) record associated with the employee. |
Text |
Job Description |
The description of the duties this person currently performs. |
Text |
Labor Cost |
The employee's hourly overhead labor rate. |
Number |
Last Modified Date |
The date when the employee record was last changed. |
Date & Time |
Last Name |
The last name of the employee. |
Text |
Last Review Date |
The date of the employee's last salary evaluation. |
Text |
Location |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the employee's location. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's location. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's location. |
Text |
Marital Status |
Object |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's marital status. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the employee's marital status. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's marital status. |
Text |
Middle Name |
The middle name of the employee. |
Text |
Mobile Phone |
The mobile phone number of the employee. |
Text |
Next Review Date |
The date of the employee's next salary evaluation. |
Text |
Office Phone |
The office phone number of the employee. |
Text |
Passport Number |
The passport number of the employee. |
Text |
Phone |
The phone number for the employee. |
Text |
Purchase Approval Limit |
The maximum amount that an employee is allowed to approve on a purchase request when specified as an approver for an employee. |
Number |
Purchase Approver |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the person that approves the employee's purchase requests. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the person that approves the employee's purchase requests. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the person that approves the employee's purchase requests. |
Text |
Purchase Limit |
The amount this employee can purchase without approval from a supervisor or approver. |
Number |
Hourly Rate |
The hourly cost rate, in dollars. |
Number |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee record. |
Text |
Termination Date |
The employee's final date of employment. |
Text |
Resident Status |
Object |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's resident status. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the employee's resident status. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's resident status. |
Text |
Roles |
List of Objects |
Center Type |
The role's center type that determines how tasks are organized on tabs. |
Text |
Device ID Only |
Indicates whether to restrict users assigned to this role by a device ID. |
Text |
ID |
The ID of the role. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the role. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the role. |
Text |
SSO Only |
Indicates whether to validate if the user signed in through an inbound single sign-on (SSO) mechanism. |
Text |
Web Services Only |
Indicates whether the programmatic access to NetSuite is enabled. |
Text |
Mr/Ms |
The employee's salutation, such as Mr. or Ms. |
Text |
Social Security Number |
The social security number of the employee, in the following format: 123-45-6789 |
Text |
Time-Off Calculations Start Date |
The employee's start date, for time-off calculations. |
Text |
Subscriptions |
List of Objects |
Last Modified |
The date and time of the last change in the employee record. |
Date & Time |
Is Subscribed |
Indicates whether the employee is subscribed to a subscription. |
True/False |
ID |
The ID of the subscription. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the subscription. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the subscription. |
Text |
Subsidiary |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the employee's subsidiary. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's subsidiary. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's subsidiary. |
Text |
Supervisor |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the employee's supervisor. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's supervisor. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's supervisor. |
Text |
Target Utilization |
The required utilization for this resource. |
Text |
Is Terminated Due To Death |
Indicates if the employee termination was due to death. |
True/False |
Termination Details |
Other details regarding the employee's termination. |
Text |
Time Approver |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the person who approves the employee's time transactions. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the person who approves the employee's time transactions. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the person who approves the employee's time transactions. |
Text |
Job Title |
The employee's official job title. |
Text |
Visa Expiration Date |
The expiration date of the employee's visa. |
Text |
Visa Type |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the employee's visa type. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's visa type. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's visa type. |
Text |
Was Inactive |
Indicates whether the employee's record was marked as inactive. |
Text |
Work Calendar |
Object |
ID |
The ID of the employee's work calendar. |
Text |
Reference Name |
The display name of the employee's work calendar. |
Text |
External ID |
The external ID of the employee's work calendar. |
Text |
Response |
Raw Employee |
The employee object returned by the NetSuite API. |
Object |