Create User
Create a user in Opsgenie.
Make sure that the API key that's used to create the Opsgenie connection for this card is not team-specific. Otherwise, any input value in the Team ID or Team Name fields on this card will not override the team that's specified by a team-specific API key. It is recommended to create and manage API keys on the Opsgenie API key management page.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Username | Email address of the user. |
Text |
Full name |
Combination of the name and the surname of a user.
In some cases, the Opsgenie API ignores the value of the Full name field and creates a user using the name portion of the user's email address. For example, the Full name is John Smith and the email address is In some cases the Full name created by the API is john.smith. |
Text |
Role | Name of the role assigned to the user. These roles are dynamically generated based on custom roles the user has created.
For example, admin, user or the name of a custom role. |
Dropdown |
Skype Username | Skype username of the user. |
Text |
Address Line | Address of the user. |
Text |
City | City of the user. |
Text |
State | State address of the user. |
Text |
Country | Country of the user. |
Text |
Zip Code | Zip Code of the user's address. |
Text |
Timezone | Timezone of the user. If not set, timezone of the customer will be used instead. You can refer to Supported Timezone IDs. |
Dropdown |
Locale | Location information of the user. If not set, locale of the customer is used instead. See Supported Locale IDs for available locales. |
Text |
Tags | List of labels attached to the user. Apply labels to users to differentiate them.
For example, you can add ITManager tag to differentiate people with this role from others. |
Array of Strings |
Custom Details | Display a set of user defined properties. |
Object |
Field | Definition | Type |
User ID |
Unique identifier of the user. |
Text |
Username | s email address. |
Text |