Update Employee
Update attributes for an existing employee in your Personio instance.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Pass Empty Value? |
Choose one of the following options:
These employee attributes can't be updated with an empty value: First Name, Last Name, Subcompany, Department, Office, Status. |
Dropdown |
See Known issues for limitations around input values for fields that use Date & Time or Number types.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Employee |
ID or Email |
Unique identifier for the employee, or their individual email address. You can find the identifier from the URL for the employee within your Personio instance. For example, if the URL is https://example.personio.de/staff/details/1234567, the employee identifier is 1234567. |
Text |
Attributes |
First Name | First name of the employee. |
Text |
Last Name | Family name of the employee. |
Text |
Gender | Gender recorded for the employee. |
Text |
Position | Position currently held within the company. |
Text |
Subcompany | Subsidiary company where the employee works, if your company uses this attribute. |
Text |
Department | Department or group in the company. |
Text |
Office | Geographic location where the employee works. |
Text |
Hire Date | Effective date for the employee's contract. Format this entry as YYYY-MM-DD. |
Date & Time |
Weekly Working Hours | An employee's contractually agreed working hours for the week. |
Text |
Supervisor ID | Unique identifier for the employee's supervisor |
Text |
Status | Employee status: Onboarding, Active, Inactive, Leave |
Dropdown |
Custom Fields | User-defined employee fields. These are dynamically generated for each Personio connection. | Various |
Field | Definition | Type |
Result |
Status Code |
Result of the operation. The connector returns an HTTP status code that indicates whether the action taken by the card succeeded or failed. For example:
Number |
Known issues
For any fields with a Date & Time type, Personio only stores values for the year, month, day, and the time zone. Attempting to provide a full Date & Time value results in a rounding off to the start of the date. For example, if the input is 2023-04-27T22:27:23.163Z, then Personio stores it as 2023-04-27T00:00:00+03:00.
Attempting to update a Personio field that uses an integer number results in losing the decimal part of the value. For example, if the number input value is 23.45, then that Personio field stores only 23.
When using the List Employees action card, avoid making any updates to employee records, either through the Update Employee action card or direct API calls. Some records can be skipped or returned twice if the source is updated during the card execution.