Search Employees
Read a list of employees from SmartHR that match specific criteria.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Result Set |
Choose one of the following options to display your search results:
Dropdown |
To learn how to return a large number of records, see Stream matching records with a helper flow.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Employee Number |
Employee number. |
Text |
Employee Type IDs |
Type of employment identifications. |
List of Text |
Employment Status |
Employment status:
Dropdown |
Gender |
Employee gender:
Dropdown |
Sort Order |
Sort parameter that allows you to specify an employee property that is the key for sorting. Adding a hyphen to the beginning of the property will sort it in descending order. For example, updated_at or -updated_at. |
Text |
Joined After |
Employees who joined the company on or after the specified date. |
Date & Time |
Joined Before |
Employees who joined the company on or before a specified date. |
Date & Time |
Resigned After |
Employees who left after a specified date. |
Date & Time |
Resigned Before |
Employees who left on or before a specified date. |
Date & Time |
User ID |
Unique identifier for a user. |
Text |
Query |
Free word search by Employee Name, Business Name, Department Name, or Job Title. |
Text |
Employee IDs |
Retrieve employees by IDs. |
List of Text |
Fields |
Fields to retrieve. Only the specified fields are returned. For example, id, user_id, first_name, last_name. If no fields are specified, all fields for an employee object are returned. |
List of Text |
Streaming |
Flow |
Click Choose Flow to browse and select a helper flow where the search results will be streamed, then click Choose to confirm. Optionally, click the empty field under Click or drop here to create and add custom extensible fields that pass data to the helper flow. These fields are added as key and value pairs under the State output object in the helper flow. This field appears when Stream Matching Records is selected from the Result Set field. The input field on the Helper Card in the streaming helper flow must reference the key Record (type object) to obtain streamed records. To obtain state input values, reference the key State (type object) of the Record object. |
Flow |
Record Limit |
Specify the number of records to stream.
This field appears when Stream Matching Records is selected from the Result Set option. |
Number |
Field | Definition | Type |
Employee ID |
The unique identifier of the employee. |
Text |
User ID |
The unique identifier of the user. |
Text |
Last Name |
Employee last name. |
Text |
First Name |
Employee first name. |
Text |
Last Name Yomi |
Employee phonetic last name. |
Text |
First Name Yomi |
Employee phonetic first name. |
Text |
Business Last Name |
Business last name. |
Text |
Business First Name |
Business first name. |
Text |
Business Last Name Yomi |
Business phonetic last name. |
Text |
Business First Name Yomi |
Business phonetic first name. |
Text |
Birth Date |
Employee birth date. |
Date & Time |
Gender |
Employee gender. |
Text |
Employee email. |
Text |
Profile Images |
Employee profile images. |
Object |
Identity Card Image 1 |
Employee identity verification, document 1. |
Object |
Identity Card Image 2 |
Employee identity verification, document 2. |
Object |
Created At |
Date created. |
Date & Time |
Updated At |
Last updated. |
Date & Time |
Employment Status |
Employment status. Valid values: employed, on leave, or retired. |
Text |
Start Date |
Employment start date. |
Date & Time |
Resigned Date |
Employment end date. |
Date & Time |
Resignation Reason |
Reason for leaving. |
Text |
Employee Number |
Employee number. |
Text |
Business Establishment ID |
Office ID. |
Text |
Employment Type |
Type of employment. |
Object |
Position |
Employment position. |
Text |
Occupation |
Employment occupation. |
Text |
Payment Period |
Employment payment period. |
Object |
Department |
Department name. Only the first registered department name is returned. |
Text |
Departments |
Registered departments. The card displays a maximum of 100 choices for this field. |
Object |
Address |
Employees current address. |
Object |
Address Image |
Document confirming current address. |
Object |
Telephone Number |
Employees telephone number. |
Text |
Head of Household Name |
Head of household. |
Text |
Head of Household Relationship |
Relationship of head of household. |
Text |
Resident Card Address |
Residence card address. |
Object |
Resident Card Address Head of Family |
Head of household of residence card address. |
Text |
Resident Card Address Relation Name |
Relationship of head of household residence card address. |
Text |
Resume 1 |
Employee resume 1. |
Object |
Resume 2 |
Employee resume 2. |
Object |
Commute Route |
Commuting route. |
Text |
Commuter Expense 1 |
Commuting allowance 1 pass fee. |
Number |
Commuter Expense Period 1 |
Commuting allowance 1 period. |
Text |
Commuter One-way Fare 1 |
One-way fare commuting allowance 1. |
Number |
Commuter Expense 2 |
Commuting allowance 2 pass fee. |
Number |
Commuter Expense Period 2 |
Commuting allowance 2 period. |
Text |
Commuter One-way Fare 2 |
One-way fare commuting allowance 2. |
Number |
Emergency Contact Last Name |
Emergency contact last name. |
Text |
Emergency Contact First Name |
Emergency contact first name. |
Text |
Emergency Contact Last Name Yomi |
Emergency contact phonetic last name. |
Text |
Emergency Contact First Name Yomi |
Emergency contact phonetic first name. |
Text |
Emergency Contact Relationship |
Emergency contact relationship. |
Text |
Emergency Contact Telephone Number |
Telephone number for emergency contact. |
Text |
Emergency Contact Address |
Address for emergency contact. |
Object |
Bank Accounts |
Bank account information. |
Object |
Monthly Income Currency |
Monthly income. |
Number |
Monthly Income Goods |
Monthly income. |
Number |
Contract Type |
Employment contract type. Valid values: unlimited or fixed_term. |
Text |
Contract Start Date |
Employment Contract Start Date. |
Date & Time |
Contract End Date |
Employment Contract End Date. |
Date & Time |
Contract Renewal Type |
Employment contract renewal type. Valid values: renewal, none, or auto_renewal. |
Text |
Foreign Resident Last Name |
Foreign resident last name. |
Text |
Foreign Resident First Name |
Foreign resident first name. |
Text |
Foreign Resident Middle Name |
Foreign resident middle name. |
Text |
Foreign Resident Card Number |
Residence card number. |
Text |
Nationality Code |
Nationality code. |
Text |
Resident Status Type |
Status of residence. |
Text |
Unknown Status of Residence Reason |
Reason for unknown status of residence. |
Text |
Period of Stay |
Foreign residence period of stay. |
Date & Time |
Additional Activity Permission |
Permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted. Valid values: permitted or none. |
Text |
Dispatch/Contract Work Category |
Dispatch or contract work category. Valid values: other_be_workable or others. |
Text |
Foreign Resident Card Image 1 |
Residence card image 1. |
Object |
Foreign Resident Card Image 2 |
Residence card image 2. |
Object |
Employment Insurance Insured Number |
Employment insurance insured number. |
Text |
Employment Insurance Insured Number Image |
Employment insurance insured image. |
Object |
Employment Insurance Insured Number Unknown Reason |
Reason for unknown employment insurance insured number. |
Text |
Name of Company Enrolled in Employment Insurance |
Name of company enrolled in employment insurance. |
Text |
Enrollment Start Date |
Start date for employment insurance enrollment. |
Date & Time |
Enrollment End Date |
End date for employment insurance enrollment. |
Date & Time |
Employment Insurance Eligibility Start Date |
Start date of employment eligibility. |
Date & Time |
Employment Insurance Eligibility End Date |
End date of employment eligibility. |
Date & Time |
Welfare Pension Insurance Insured Person Reference Number |
Welfare pension insurance insured person reference number. |
Number |
Health Insurance Insured Reference Number |
Health insurance insured reference number. |
Number |
Basic Pension Number |
Basic pension number. |
Number |
Basic Pension Number Image |
Basic pension number attached image. |
Object |
First Time Employees Pension Plan Enrollment |
Welfare pension first participation flag. |
True/False |
Unknown Basic Pension Number Reason |
Reason for unknown basic pension number. |
Text |
First Employee Pension Plan Company Name |
Name of the company that first enrolled in the employees pension plan. |
Text |
First Employee Pension Plan Company Address |
Address if the company that first enrolled in the employees pension plan. |
Text |
First Employee Pension Plan Company Start Date |
Enrollment start date of the company that first enrolled in the employees pension. |
Date & Time |
First Employee Pension Plan Company End Date |
Enrollment end date of the company that first enrolled in the employees pension. |
Date & Time |
Last Employee Pension Plan Company Name |
Name of the company that last enrolled in the employees pension plan. |
Text |
Last Employee Pension Plan Company Address |
Address if the company that last enrolled in the employees pension plan. |
Text |
Last Employee Pension Plan Company Start Date |
Enrollment start date of the company that last enrolled in the employees pension. |
Date & Time |
Last Employee Pension Plan Company End Date |
Enrollment end date of the company that last enrolled in the employees pension. |
Date & Time |
Social Insurance Qualification Start Date |
Start date for social insurance qualification. |
Date & Time |
Social Insurance Qualification End Date |
End date for social insurance qualification. |
Date & Time |
Monthly Standard Income Revision Date |
Monthly standard income revision date. |
Date & Time |
Standard Monthly Income for Health Insurance |
Standard monthly income for health insurance. |
Number |
Standard Monthly Income for Employee Pension |
Standard monthly income for employee pension. |
Number |
Marital Status |
Marital status. |
True/False |
Spouse Annual Income |
Spouse's annual income. |
Number |
Tax Classification |
Tax classification. |
Text |
Disability Type |
Disability type. |
Text |
Disability Certificate Type |
Disability type certificate. |
Text |
Disability Certificate Issuance Date |
Issuance date of disability certificate. |
Date & Time |
Disability Image |
Handbook image of person who has a disability. |
Object |
Working Student Flag |
Working student flag. |
True/False |
School Name |
Working student school name. |
Text |
Student Card Image |
Image of student ID card. |
Object |
Date of Admission |
Working student date of admission. |
Date & Time |
Student Income |
Working student estimated income. |
Number |
Employment Income Flag |
Employment income flag. |
True/False |
Business Income Flag |
Business income flag. |
True/False |
Dividend Income Flag |
Dividend income flag. |
True/False |
Business Income Flag |
Business income flag. |
True/False |
Real Estate Income Flag |
Real estate income flag. |
True/False |
Widow/Single Parent Type |
Widow or single parent type. |
Text |
Widow/Single Parent Reason |
Widow or single parent reason. |
Text |
Notes for Widows and Single Parents |
Notes for widows and single parents. |
Text |
Custom Field Group Name |
User-defined employee fields grouped by name. The card displays a maximum of 100 choices for this field. |
Object |
Result |
Records Streamed |
Number of records streamed in a streaming flow. This field appears when you select Stream Matching Records from the Result Set option. |
Number |