To Number

This function card is only available in Connector Builder.

This function card attempts to convert a numerical value of type Text into a numerical value of type Number. Use this function card when you need to perform a type conversion in a flow.


Field Definition Type Required
value Value to be converted to a number.

If the input value consists of a string characters and numbers, then the output is a number.

If the input is either True or False, then the output is 1 or 0, respectively.

If the input is a set of numbers only, then the output is also the same number (a trivial conversion).

String TRUE

If the To Number function card cannot convert the string value, an error is returned.


Field Definition Type
output Converted numerical value. Number


If value is True, output is 1.

If value is 123, output is 123.

If value is abc123, an error is returned.

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Workflow elements