Use the Download function card in a flow

Use the Download function card to download any file, such as an image or document file, that you can access through a URL in your browser.

To see the field inputs and outs for this function card, see Download.

File functions don't support shareable links such as those from Box, OneDrive, or Google Drive.

  1. Enter the URL including the protocol, either http:// or https://, in the URL field.

  2. Optional. Use the Query section to build a query string.

    For example, if you wanted to download a file from, then you can express this in one of two ways:

    • Enter the entire string in the URL field.

    • Set the URL to, then create an input file name in the Query section, and enter a value of foo.txt. This method is easier when the value of the file name comes from a previous step in the flow. You can drag the field into the input.

  1. Optional. Set headers in the request.

    For example, if the site requires authorization, then add an Authorization: Bearer {my-token} header

    1. Add an authorization key to the Headers section.

    2. Set its value to Bearer {my-token}.

    You can also set a Content-type: application/image header in a similar manner.

  1. Optional. Drag the ID value from the File Content output field to the File input of another card, such as a Box upload card.

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