Paginate: set a maximum page index

This function card is only available in Connector Builder.

When working with the Paginate function card, it's important to have control over how many times the function iterates. Okta Workflows limits this function to 5,000 iterations, so it's important to ensure that you don't exceed that count while testing flows.

This example shows how to set a max_page_index of 10 and then halt pagination after reaching that index.

See Paginate to get started with this function card and Paginate: API endpoint for other best practices when using this card.

Using the Construct object card, create an object with three key value pairs, for example your keys might be:

  • page_index: Current count of iterations.

  • max_page_index: Maximum number of times that the helper flow should iterate.

  • break: Value that the function checks to stop the loop.

You can then pass the resulting object into the Paginate function card:


"page_index": 0,
"max_page_index": 10,
"break": false

Helper flow

The Paginate function requires a helper flow. The inputs defined in the helper flow need to match the keys you defined in the pagination object:

  • page_index

  • max_page_index

  • break

When the helper flow executes, you need to manage the values passed into the flow. The goal is to track the number of iterations made by the pagination function, so you need to increase the page_index value with each iteration. You can accomplish this with the Add number function card.

Then you reconstruct the new pagination object so it can be returned to the Paginate function card.

The values in the resulting object are now:

"page_index": 1,
"max_page_index": 10,
"break": false

As the flow iterates, the counter increases. To stop the Pagination function from iterating after page_index reaches 10 (to match the max_page_index), you must remove the break from the object:

  1. Add an If/Else branching function inside the helper flow. For the Compare fields, enter that you want to check if new_index is equal to max_page_index.

    Click Save.

  2. In the Run when FALSE row, you can drag the updated object to an Assign card. The object leaves the If/Else card without changes.

  3. In the Run when TRUE row (that is triggered when the page_index equals the max_page_index), add the Unset object function to remove the break key. When the resulting pagination object returns to the parent flow, the Paginate function checks for the break path. If that path isn't found in the updated object, the function completes by stopping the pagination.

  4. Click Create outputs and drag the Output field to the Return flow control card.

  5. Drag the output object from each row to the Outputs field that corresponds to the true or false test result.

When you run the parent flow, the final object looks like the following:

"page_index": 10,
"max_page_index": 10

Related topics


Paginate: API endpoint


Workflow elements