Raw Request

This method performs a raw HTTP request, allowing you as a flow builder to control all aspects of the HTTP request. This allows a flow to call an XML service, call an HTML service, or various other advanced usages.

The other API Connector functions are optimized for ease-of-use with typical JSON-based services. The Raw Request function card is more flexible.

Any data flowing through this card (or any card) may be logged in your execution history and exposed to other Workflows admins. Sensitive information, such as access tokens, shouldn't be entered, read, or processed in plain text in a flow. Store this information securely in a connector.

Here are a few of the use cases for this function card:

  • Call an XML service: Use the XML Build function card to create an XML string containing your request and drag that into the Body input of the Raw Request function card. Then use the XML Parse function to parse the Body output and create a JSON response that you can then use in the rest of your flow. This also works with an HTML service.

  • Call a JSON API with a list: The API Connector Post function implicitly forces you to pass a JSON object in the body. Each input you create in the Body section becomes a key in the request body. If you want to pass something rather than an object, such as a list of objects, then you can do so using the Raw Request function card. Build the list that you want by using the List functions, then call the JSON Stringify function card to create a string, and drag that string to the Body input of the Raw Request function card.

  • Build a query programmatically: You may have logic that determines your query string at runtime. Use the Object function cards to create a query object in your flow, then drag your object to the Query input of the Raw Request function card. The query object is converted to a URL query string: If your query object is { "x": "one", "y": "two"}, then the query string is: ?x=one&y=two.

  • Build headers programmatically: The other API Connector functions implicitly force you to define your header field names at design time. The values can be dynamic, but the header field names are fixed. If you want to define them in the flow, use the Object function cards to create a Headers object in your flow, then drag your object to the Headers input of the Raw Request function card. For example if the headers object is { "Accept": "text/plain" }, then the header string for the request is Accept: text/plain.

  • Call a JSON API with dynamic keys: The API Connectors Post function implicitly forces you to create the keys in the request body at design time. If you want to build this at runtime instead, based on input parameters, then build the object using the Object function cards, pass that to the JSON Stringify function card, then drag that string into the Body input of the Raw Request function card.

The Raw Request function card is flexible enough to form any HTTP call. If the other HTTP functions don't have the flexibility you need, use the Raw Request function card instead.


Field Definition Type Required
URL URL for the HTTP request. Text TRUE
Method HTTP method. Options are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE. Dropdown TRUE
Headers An object representing the headers for the request. Each key of the header is parsed into a header string as "key: value". For example, "Accept: text/plain". Object FALSE
Query An object representing the URL query string. Each key of the header is appended to the URL string as follows: url?key1=value1&key2=value2&... Object FALSE
Body HTTP request body. Text FALSE


Field Definition Type
Status Code

Result of the operation. The connector returns an HTTP status code that indicates whether the action taken by the card succeeded or failed. For example:

  • A 201 Created status code indicates success where a new resource was created.
  • A 403 Forbidden error indicates that the HTTP request wasn't processed because the necessary permissions were missing.

For a full list of possible status codes, see HTTP status codes.

Headers Detailed context for the status code, unrelated to the output body. Response headers depend on your selected HTTP request option. Not all headers are response headers. The header is similar to {"Content-type":"application/json"}. Object

Data returned from your selected HTTP request.

For example, the data from a GET request.


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