Low-latency flows

Every workflow requires a certain duration to complete. The total time required is composed of two factors: the time spent waiting for the flow to execute and the actual execution time.

While the execution time of the flow generally remains constant from one execution to the next, the queuing time depends on several factors:

  • Latency inherited from the network and throughput limitations of the systems that execute the flow.

  • Latency inherited from sharing the standard execution mode with other flows. These other flows may be processing queries involving large amounts of data or complex flow configurations.

The Low-latency feature ensures consistent execution times for your flows by running flows that meet a specific set of criteria separately from those that don't. See Criteria for low-latency flows.

Okta routes low-latency flows to an optimized processing queue with minimal wait times and increased resource availability. These flows execute at a higher velocity compared to flows that run in standard mode or flows that get throttled. See Flow throttling.

For example, the following graphic illustrates how flow execution queues look before the release of the Low-latency feature:

Idealized processing queues for flow execution, showing low latency eligible flows being stuck behind throttled and standard rate flows.

In the previous configuration, flows that would be eligible for low-latency mode are being held up by large or throttled flows. These low-latency flows must wait until these longer-duration flows are complete.

After the release of the Low-latency feature, the flow execution queues would look like the following:

Idealized processing queues for flow execution, showing low latency eligible flows in their own queue, no longer halted behind throttled or standard rate flows.

Okta moves all the low-latency eligible flows moved into their own queue, removing them from the constraint of being behind large or throttled flows in the queue. The low latency flows execute at a higher and more consistent velocity, improving your business processes.

If Okta detects that a low-latency flow no longer meets the low-latency criteria, the flow returns to the back of the regular flow queues. See Criteria for low-latency flows.

Related topics

Criteria for low-latency flows

Execution limits

Workflows system limits

Execution history details