Enable run mode for webhooks

It's important to understand the implications of the Enable Run mode option when your end users have the deployed webhook event card as part of their flow. Enable this option if the webhook or the service is ever going to send more than one record at a time.

When the option is enabled in Connector Builder, the end user of the card can choose how the flow should process the data. They can choose to process the incoming payload as a batch, or have Workflows execute a For Each function and execute a new flow for each item returned in the payload.


If the Enable Run mode option is active, then the webhook event expects the payload to consist of multiple records contained in one batch. The return card delivers a single list, but each list item is an object with keys matching the defined outputs. This creates a many-to-one mapping between the payload and the defined output fields.

When your user clicks the Run mode option in their flow, they have two choices:

  • Each record: This executes the flow once for each item in the batch of records from the payload.

  • List of records: This executes the flow once for the entire collection of records in the payload. When the user chooses this option, the output is a list of objects, with each record from the payload as a separate object.


If the Enable Run mode option isn't active, then the webhook event card expects the payload to be an individual record. The return card delivers all defined output fields in a one-to-one mapping between the payload and output fields.

For any flow that uses this webhook, the flow executes only once for each received event.