
When you add a Gmail card to a flow for the first time, Okta prompts you to create a connection. Setting up a connection allows you to save your account information and reuse that connection the next time you build a flow with the connector.

You can create multiple unique connections and manage them from the Connections page in the Okta Workflows Console.

Follow these steps to create a connection from an event or action card:

  1. Click New Connection.

  2. Enter a Connection Nickname for your Google Workspace account. The nickname can be the actual name of the account or a generic nickname.

  3. In the OAuth window, enter your Google account and password information.

  4. On the card, authorize access to your Google account by clicking Allow.

Guidance for account types and the Gmail connector

  • Only Google Workspace users can make proper connections for the Gmail connector.

  • If you're using a or account, then connections for the Gmail connector fail at runtime. Also Gmail connector cards don't function as intended, and flows that contain a Gmail card don't run successfully.

  • Project Service Accounts can't be used to make connections for the Gmail connector.

  • To make a working connection for the Gmail connector and use the following cards, you don't need to assign the Service Account User role to Google Workspace users in their project:

    • Read Email

    • Send Email

    • Send Email with Attachment

  • To use the following cards, you need to assign the Service Account User role to Google Workspace users in their project:

    • Add Delegate

    • Forward Emails

    • Set Auto Reply

    • Update User Gmail Settings

      See Service Account User role for details on how to assign this role to users.

  • When using Google Sign In with the Okta Browser Plugin inside Workflows, you can't switch accounts without first switching the account that's using the Okta Browser Plugin.

Supported Scopes

  • openid








Disclaimer Statement

The use of information received from the Google APIs adheres to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. This adherence also applies to the transfer of information from this app to any other app integration.

For information about data privacy and practices within Okta, see the Okta Privacy Policy.