Guidance for Smartsheet connector

Read the following information for guidance and best practices when using the Smartsheet connector in your flows.

Smartsheet API

The Smartsheet API has a wide range of error and return codes. See Smartsheet API for more information on the API and its error codes.

Reauthorizing Smartsheet Account

If you having difficulty connecting to your Smartsheet account, try reauthorizing your account. To do this, go to SettingsAccounts, or delete your account and add it again.

You can find a list of all your available accounts under SettingsAccounts.

Required Roles

  • The Create User Read User, Add User to Organization and Remove User from Organization cards require System Administrator permissions.

  • The Add User to Group to Group and Remove User Group cards require Group Administrator or System Administrator permissions.

  • The Read User and Search Users card requires System Administrator permissions to view the following fields: Is Admin?, Custom Welcome Screen Viewed, Is Group Admin?, Last Login, Is Licensed Sheet Creator?, Is Resource Viewer?, Sheet Count.

Add User to Group action

Users may not have sharing access to sheets for a period of time after this operation returns outputs. For small groups with limited sharing, the operation completes within a few seconds. For large groups with many shares, this operation can take more than a minute to complete.

Remove User from Group action

This operation is only available to group administrators and system administrators.

Group members may retain their sharing access for a brief period of time after this operation returns outputs. For small groups with limited sharing, the operation should complete within a few seconds. For large groups with many shares, this operation can take more than a minute to complete.

Remove User from Organization action

Prior to removing users using this action card, the ownership of Groups and Workspaces must be transferred to an admin, otherwise you will receive an error message. Sheets can be transferred without receiving an error message.

If a user is removed from a Smartsheet app and owns Groups or Workspaces, select Yes in the Is Transfer Ownership? field, to transfer Groups and Workspaces. The Groups and Workspaces are automatically transferred after the action card is run in a flow.

If an admin wants to transfer only the removed user's Sheets, regardless if they own Groups and Workspaces, select Yes in the Is Transfer Ownership? field and Yes in the Transfer Sheets input field.

Update User action

The following fields can be updated for user's whose status is Pending:

  • Is Admin?

  • Is Licensed Sheet Creator?

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Is Group Admin?

  • Is Resource Viewer?