Submit requests from the End-User Dashboard

Early Access release. See Enable self-service features.

Users can request access to apps directly from the End-User Dashboard if you've enabled the Access request conditions and Resource catalog feature and set up conditions for those apps.

  1. Requesters click Request Access on the End-User Dashboard.

    If the requesters doesn't meet the criteria for any conditions but they're assigned to the Okta Access Requests app, apps aren't available in the resource catalog. To avoid requesters encountering these errors, you can revoke their app assignment.

  2. Select an app tile and then select the level of access they need from the options.

    The options available to them depend on the requester scope that you defined for the access request condition.

  3. Enter or select a response for required questions, and then click Submit request. Requesters can't modify their responses to the questions after they submit the request.

  4. Optional. Refresh the page after a few minutes to get the link to the request. The link is located on the access level option they selected.

Requesters can update their request, communicate with approvers, or track the request status. They can also cancel a submitted request if a request assignee or approver hasn't taken any action on it. Requesters are notified about the request's cancellation based on their notification preferences.

Access Requests also cancels a request if the requester's access to the Access Requests web app is revoked or their status in Okta changes to suspended or deactivated.

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Create an access request condition