Add a velocity behavior

A velocity behavior is used to define policies based on changes in the end user's geographical location using two subsequent sign-in attempts.

Okta compares the time and location of one successful sign-in to the previous one. The calculation determines whether travel between the two locations is physically possible.

Admins can configure polices to prompt for authenticators when the velocity between two authentication requests is considered impossible. If a user signs in from New York and then seems to be signing in from Los Angeles one hour later, this velocity would be considered impossible.

Start this task

  1. In the Admin Console, go to SecurityBehavior Detection.

  2. Click Add Behavior.
  3. Select Velocity from the dropdown.
  4. In Behavior Name, enter a name for the behavior.
  5. In Velocity, enter a value in kilometers per hour. This should be a velocity that would normally be considered impossible to travel between sign-in requests.
  6. Click Save.

Next Step

Add a behavior to a sign-on policy rule