Send Email

Send email from a Gmail account.


Field Definition Type Required
Body is HTML? Indicates whether the body of the email is HTML or plain text. If you are using the Compose function to create the body of your email, select No. Dropdown TRUE


Field Definition Type Required
To Email address(es) of the message recipient(s); format multiple addresses in a list of individual emails or as a single text. List of Strings TRUE
From Display name and email address or email address only of the sender.

For example, use one of the following formats:

  • Joe Jackson <>


String FALSE
CC List of carbon copied recipients. List of Strings FALSE
BCC Email address(es) of recipient(s) of a blind carbon copy of the email. List of Strings FALSE
Subject Subject of the message. String FALSE
Body Content of the message (plain text or HTML depending on the Options setting). String FALSE


Field Definition Type
Message ID Unique ID of the email generated by Gmail. String

Additional information

  • The From field indicates who is sending emails (send as). You can send emails on behalf of yourself or someone. If you own another email address, you can send mail as that address.

  • To use a specific email address in the From field, you must verify that the email address is listed as an Send mail as account. To do so, click SettingsSee all settings, then check that the email address is listed the AccountsSend mail as section. If the you use an email address that is not listed, the Send Email action card will likely produce unexpected results or return an error.

  • You can choose HTML, which enables you to format the email message, or plain text.

  • If the recipient is always the same, type the email address directly into the To input field. If the recipient changes each time the flow runs, map an input from a previous action or function card.

Related topics

Gmail connector

Workflow elements

Gmail API documentation