Label Added or Removed

Trigger a flow when a label is applied to or removed from a message in your inbox. For more information, refer to Gmail's documentation.


Senders and recipients are formatted as: Name <>


Field Definition Type
Label Added Title of the new label. String
Label Removed Title of the removed label. String
Message ID Unique ID of the message. String
Thread ID Unique ID of the message thread (new, non-threaded messages have the same message and thread IDs). String
Subject Subject line of the email. String
Text Body Text of the body of the message. String
HTML Body HTML formatted body of the message. String
From Sender of the email. String
CC List of carbon copied recipients. List of Text
BCC List of blind carbon copied recipients. List of Text
Attachment IDs List of unique IDs of the email attachments. List of Text
Labels List of categories attributed to the message (for example, Unread, Important, or Category_Personal). List of Text
Execution ID Unique ID of the flow instance. String

Related topics

Gmail connector

Workflow elements

Gmail API documentation