New Request in Queue

Start a flow when a new or an existing request is added to the queue in Jira Service Management.


Field Definition Type Required
Service Desk Choose from the list of service desk instances or select -- Enter Service Desk Key -- to enter the key manually. Dropdown TRUE
Service Desk Key The unique key of the Service Desk.

This is required if you selected the -- Enter Service Desk Key -- option.

The unique key is shown when you view all projects in the Jira Service Management interface.

Request Type Choose from the list of request types for the selected Service Desk or select -- Enter Request Type ID-- to enter the ID manually. Dropdown TRUE
Request Type ID The unique identifier of the Request Type.

This is required if you selected the -- Enter Request Type ID-- option.

You can find this identifier through the Jira Service Management interface:

  1. Go to Project SettingsRequest Types.

  2. Click the Request Type that you want to use.

  3. In your browser URL, the value after /request-type is the Request Type ID.

    For example, in this URL: https://{{domain}}/jira/servicedesk/projects/QSD5/settings/request-types/request-type/277/request-form, the Service Desk Key is QSD5 and the Request Type ID is 277.

Queue Choose from the list of queues for the selected Service Desk and Request Type, or select -- Enter Queue ID -- to enter the ID manually. Dropdown TRUE
Queue ID The unique identifier for the Queue.

You can find this identifier through the Jira Service Management interface:

  1. Go to ProjectQueues.

  2. Click the Queue that you want to use.

  3. In your browser URL, the value after /queues/custom/ is the Queue ID.

    For example, in this URL: https://{{domain}}/jira/servicedesk/projects/SD1/queues/custom/203, the Service Desk Key is SD1 and the Queue ID is 203.

This field is required if you selected the -- Enter Queue ID -- option.


There's a difference between Jira Service Management request types and issue types. This event card only monitors for a specified request type, not an issue type.


Field Definition Type
Description Issue description. Text
Summary Issue summary. Text
Attachment Files attached to the issue. List of Text
Created Date Date when the issue was created. Text
Created Date ISO Date when the issue was created in ISO format. Text
Created Date Readable Date when the issue was created in readable format. Text
Created Date Unix Date when the issue was created in Unix format. Text
Issue ID Unique identifier of the issue. Text
Issue Key Unique key assigned to the issue. Text
Request Type ID Unique identifier of the requested type. Text
Service Desk ID Unique identifier of the service desk. Text
Priority Priority of the issue. Text
Status The current status of the issue. Text
Status Category Category to which the issue is assigned. Text
Status Date Date of the current status. Text
Status Date ISO Date of the current status in ISO format. Text
Status Date Readable Date of the current status in readable format. Text
Status Date Unix Date of the current status in Unix format. Text
Customer ID Unique identifier of the customer. Text
Email Email of the customer. Text
Display Name Display name of the customer. Text
Active? If true, the customer is active. True/False
Timezone Timezone of the customer. Text

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Jira Service Management connector

Workflow elements

Jira Service Management API