Update Contact

Update a contact or list of contacts in SendGrid.


Field Definition Type Required
Contact Set Choose whether to update one contact with Single Contact or multiple contacts with List of Contacts. Dropdown TRUE
Update Empty Fields? Option to update contact attributes with null values if input fields are empty; if No is selected, empty fields will not be considered when a customer profile is updated. Dropdown TRUE

Due to SendGrid API limitations, you can update a maximum of 30,000 contacts.


Field Definition Type Required
List IDs Unique identifiers of lists whose contacts will be updated. String FALSE
Address Line 1 First line of the address. String FALSE
Address Line 2 Optional second line for the address. String FALSE
Alternate Emails Additional emails associated with the contact. String FALSE
City City of the contact. String FALSE
Country Country of the contact's address. Accepts full name or abbreviation. String FALSE
Email Primary email for the contact. String TRUE
First Name Contact's personal name. String FALSE
Last Name Contact's family name. String FALSE
Postal Code Postcode, post code, Eircode, PIN code or ZIP code. String FALSE
State Province Region State, province, or region of the contacts address. String FALSE
Phone Number Primary phone number for the contact. String FALSE
Whatsapp Whatsapp account for the contact. String FALSE
Line Landline for the contact. String FALSE
Facebook Primary Facebook profile for the contact. String FALSE
Unique Name Unique name assigned to the contact. String FALSE


Field Definition Type
Job ID Unique identifier of the async job to update the contact or contacts. String
Status Code

Result of the operation. The connector returns an HTTP status code that indicates whether the action taken by the card succeeded or failed. For example:

  • A 201 Created status code indicates success where a new resource was created.
  • A 403 Forbidden error indicates that the HTTP request wasn't processed because the necessary permissions were missing.

For a full list of possible status codes, see HTTP status codes.


Related topics

SendGrid connector

Workflow elements

SendGrid API Reference