Update User

Update existing user.


Field Definition Type Required
Update by
User ID

Unique identifier of the user.

The ID is in the URL: http://<your domain>.zendesk.com/agent/users/< User ID >.

Number TRUE

Name of the user.

String FALSE
External ID

Unique external ID of the user.

String FALSE
Alias An alias displayed to end users. String FALSE
Verified? Indicates whether the user's identity has been verified. Boolean FALSE
Locale ID User's language identifier. Number FALSE
Locale User's locale; this is a BCP-47 compliant tag. String FALSE
Timezone User's time zone. See Time Zone. String FALSE
Email User's primary email address. String FALSE
Phone User's primary phone number. String FALSE
Details Additional miscellaneous details about the user, such as an address. String FALSE
Notes Notes about the user. String FALSE
Organization ID Identification code of organization with which user is associated. Number FALSE
Role User's role; possible values are end-user, agent, or admin. Dropdown FALSE
Default Group ID ID of the user's default group. Number FALSE
Signature User's signature; only agents and admins have a signature. String FALSE
Custom Role ID A custom role if the user is an agent on the Enterprise plan. Number FALSE
Moderator? Designates whether the user has forum moderation capabilities. Boolean FALSE
Ticket Restriction Specifies which tickets the user has access to; possible values are organization, groups, assigned, requested, null. Dropdown FALSE
Private Comments Only? Indicates whether a user can create private comments; true if the user can only create private comments. Boolean FALSE
Restricted Agent? Indicates whether the agent has any restrictions; false for admins and unrestricted agents, true for other agents. Boolean FALSE
Tags User's tags; only present is your account has user tagging available. List FALSE
Custom Fields Dynamically generated list of any custom fields associated with users. More on custom Fields. Various FALSE


Field Definition Type
User ID

Unique identifier of the user.

User URL A URL to the user. String

Name of the user.

Email User's primary email address. String
Created At

Date and time when the object was created.

Date & Time
Updated At Time and date the user was updated. Date & Time
Timezone User's time zone. See Time Zone. String
IANA Timezone IANA time zone of the user. String
Phone User's phone number. String
Shared Phone Number If true, the phone number is shared. Boolean
Locale ID User's language identifier. Number
Locale User's locale; this is a BCP-47 compliant tag. String
Organization ID Identification code of organization with which user is associated. Number
Role User's role; possible values are end-user, agent, or admin. String
Verified? If true, user is verified. Boolean
External ID

Unique external ID of the user.

Tags User's tags; only present is your account has user tagging available. String
Alias User's alias. String
Active? If false, the user was deleted. Boolean
Shared? If true, user is shared. Boolean
Shared Agent? If true, user is a shared agent from another support instance. Boolean
Last Login At Last time the user signed in. Date & Time
Two Factor Auth Enabled If true, two factor authentication is enabled. Boolean
Signature User's signature; only agents and admins have a signature. String
Details Additional miscellaneous details about the user, such as an address. String
Notes Notes about the user. String
Role Type User's role type. Number
Custom Role ID User's custom role. String
Moderator? If true, the user has forum moderation capabilities. Boolean
Ticket Restriction Specifies which tickets to which the user has access. String
Private Comments Only? If true, the user can only create private comments. Boolean
Restricted Agent? If true, the agent has restrictions. Boolean
Suspended? If true, the agent is suspended. Boolean
Chat Only? If true, the user is a chat-only agent. Boolean
Default Group ID User's default group ID. Number
Report CSV? If true, the user can access the CSV report. Boolean
Custom Fields Dynamically generated list of any custom fields associated with users. More on custom Fields. Various

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