Google Cloud Platform integration
Integrate Identity Security Posture Management (ISPM) with Google Cloud Platform.
Complete the steps in Google Workspace integration to integrate ISPM with Google Workspace. This is required before you can integrate with Google Cloud Platform.
Assign Google Cloud permissions
- Go to the Google Cloud console. Verify that you're working on your organization and not on a specific project.
- Open the Navigation menu and go to .
- Optional. If you're a super administrator and don't have an Owner or an Editor role in the organization, grant these roles to yourself:
- Add yourself as a principal.
- Assign the Owner or Editor role.
- Remember to revoke the role after you finish the integration.
- Enter the client_email value of the service account in the New Principals field to add the service account as a principal. You can find the email in the credential JSON file that you generated while creating the service account.
- Assign the Quota Viewer role.
- Click Save.
Integrate Google Cloud Platform
- Follow steps 1–5 listed in the Assign Google Cloud permissions section.
- Assign these roles:
- Viewer
- Security Reviewer
- Organization Viewer
- Cloud Asset Viewer
- Click Save.
Enable Google Cloud APIs
- Go to the Google Cloud console.
- In the dropdown menu, select the project in which you created the service account.
- Open the Navigation menu and go to .
- Check if these three APIs appear in the APIs & Services list:
- Identity and Access Management (IAM) API
Service name:
- Cloud Resource Manager API
Service name:
- Cloud Asset API
Service name:
- Identity and Access Management (IAM) API
- If they aren't listed, complete these steps for each API:
Search for and select an API using the search bar.
Select the tile corresponding to the API.
Click Enable.
Enable the integration in your Identity Security Posture Management console to use it.