Sign in for the first time: Access Gateway Management console

The first time you sign in to the Access Gateway Management console you must change the default password.

Sign in for the first time

Cancel the change password process at any time by entering Ctrl+S. You must change the password the next time you sign in.

  1. Start Access Gateway and open a terminal window.

    Use Putty, OSX, Xterm terminal, or most Linux shells to sign in to Access Gateway. Microsoft Azure and the AWS EC2 serial consoles aren't supported because they don't support the curs_set command. The Access Gateway Management console uses this command to control the display of its menu.

  2. Sign in using these credentials:
    1. Username: oag-mgmt
    2. Password: <default-password>

    See Default Access Gateway credentials.

  3. Enter the new password when New password appears. See Access Gateway password strength requirements and Default Access Gateway credentials.
  4. Enter the new password again when Retype password appears. The Access Gateway Management console main page appears.

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Sign in for the first time: Access Gateway Admin UI console