Application-protected web resources

Application-protected web resources support Access Gateway load balancing.

The Protected Web Resource page includes information on load balancing for back-end protected web resources, load-balancing health checks, host headers, and so on.

Field Description


Load Balancing by Access Gateway Enables or disables load balancing.

Enter the URL scheme, configured protected web resources, and other options.

Load Balancer Health Check Enables or disables load-balancing health checks.

Click Edit to configure load-balancer health checks.

URL scheme

The URL scheme or protocol used to access back-end protected resources.

HTTP and HTTPS schemes are supported.

Host Header

Host Header Value

These items represent the value of the host header passed to the back-end protected web resources.

It uses the external fully qualified external name (for example,

When disabled, you may enter a custom value.

Disabled application-specific
Load Balancing Cookie The cookie value that’s associated with each request and sent to the back-end protected web resources.
Generate value
Configured Protected Web Resources A set of back-end protected web resources including their weights, prefixed by the URL scheme. See Add Protected Web Resource. N/A

Add Protected Web Resource

Click Add Protected Web Resource to add a protected web resource.

The add protected web resource dialog with a hostname of and weight of 1.

Field Description
Hostname The fully qualified host name of the protected web resource. It must be resolvable in DNS.

The associated weight. You can assign a value from zero to 100. 0 (zero) means that a host isn't in use.

  • Weight value of 1: Route an equal number of requests to each protected web resource.
  • Weight value of 2: Route twice as many requests to protected web resources with this weight than those with a weight of 1. If one protected web resource has a weight of 1 and the other has a weight of two, 66% of the total requests are routed to the resource with a weight of 2.

Health checks

Health checks are used to determine if a back-end protected web resource can service requests.

The load balancer edit health check dialog showing default values.

Field Value


Path The URI path to the resource used in health check. /
Method The HTTP method used. Always GET
Status code The HTTP status code used to determine health. 200
Interval The interval between health checks in seconds. 10
Request timeout The health check request timeout in seconds. 1
Healthy threshold The number of requests that must succeed before a host is considered healthy. 3
Unhealthy threshold The number of requests that must fail before a host is considered unhealthy. 3

Protected web resources can be in one of three states:



Active Initial state, host entered and active but health unknown.

When health checks are disabled, protected web resources never leave this state.

Healthy Host is responding based on health check settings.
Unhealthy Host isn't responding; new requests won't be routed to it.

Related topics

Load balancing

Health checks for load balancing

Enable Access Gateway load balancing in an application