Customize the footer for your org

By default, the message "Powered by Okta" and a link to the Okta privacy policy appear in the footer of your Okta-hosted sign-in page and the Okta End-User Dashboard. You can customize the footer by hiding this message or linking to your own privacy policy.

Before you begin

You must be a super admin or an org admin, or have a role with customizations permissions.

Start this task

  1. In the Admin Console, go to CustomizationsBrands.
  2. Select a brand.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Locate the Footer panel and select Custom privacy policy.
  5. Review the disclosure, and then select I Agree.
  6. In the Link field, enter the URL of your custom privacy policy.
  7. Click Save.
  8. In the Powered by Okta panel, click Edit.
  9. To hide the message, click the Show Powered by Okta toggle.
  10. Click Save.

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