Sync a group

After you enable the role-based access control feature, use a Group Push operation to provision groups.

After you create the push group and provision it downstream to Okta Workflows, Okta automatically syncs any future changes to the group membership.

Before you begin

You must be signed in to the Okta Admin Console as a super admin.

Sync a group

  1. In the Admin Console, go to ApplicationsApplications.

  2. Open the Okta Workflows app integration from the Applications list.

  3. On the Push Groups tab, click + Push Groups and in the dropdown menu, select Find groups by name.

  4. Use the search field to find the Okta group you want to sync and click the group name from the results list.

  5. In the Match result & push action column, click +Create Group and choose Create Group from the dropdown menu.

    The group created in Okta Workflows uses the same name as the Okta group.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Check the Role assignment tab in your Workflows Console to confirm the group and its members are synced to Okta Workflows.

Any users added to the group are automatically synced downstream to the corresponding group in Okta Workflows.

Similarly, any users removed from the Okta group are automatically removed from the Okta Workflows group.

Force push a group

At any future point, you can perform a force push of all group members:

  1. On the Push Groups tab, click the dropdown menu under the Push Status column.

  2. Click Push Now to send the group membership downstream to Okta Workflows.

  3. Check the Role assignment tab in your Workflows Console to confirm the group and its members are synced to Okta Workflows.