Add parameters for connector authentication

Authentication parameters are required in an authentication object for a connector only if users need to enter more data when creating their connection. For example, users may need to specify an instance URL.

You can create and present these parameters using the optional Parameters section of the Authentication page.

To add an authentication parameter, provide values for Key, Type, and Label.

Field Definition Type
Key A single authentication parameter for a connector. The value of this field is used when any of the connector's event or action cards reference the parameter.

Text value in the key-value pairing that the service uses. For example, api_key, application_key, or authentication.

Type Type of authentication parameter to display.
  • Text: Shows a plain text field to the user. This is an open text field with no redaction.

  • Password: Shows a redacted text field. The user can't see what text is entered into this field.

  • Dropdown List: A manually created dropdown list of values that the user can select.

    To create an authentication parameter as a dropdown list, populate as many Option and Value pairings as necessary, then indicate whether a specific value should appear by default.

Label The name for the parameter that is shown on the New Connection dialog when setting up the connector. String

Next steps

Add option fields to connector cards