Add option fields to connector cards

Define the options of your connector cards in the Connector Builder Options dialog.

To access the Options dialog, click Add Options on a Connection Action card that begins a flow or on the Return Outputs card that ends the flow.

Once you've added fields in the dialog, you can access it again by clicking the Edit link that appears in the section header of the respective cards.

If you add an options dropdown field to a card, set a default value, deploy the connector project and add the card to a flow, the newly added card will have default options already selected and saved, and it will display input and output fields based on those selections. For Connector Builder-developed cards, options fields will be collapsed when the card is added to a flow. To access the options dropdown and change a selection, you need to open the card's Options menu.

To add input and output fields, see Add input and output fields to connector cards.

Options fields

Options fields on a card are design time inputs that a user selects when creating their flows. The values passed into the fields are static. They are the same with each flow execution. For example, the Custom API Action card has Request Type as a single field in the Options section. This value is selected by the end user when first adding the card to a flow, and the selected request method is performed against the given resource whenever the card is executed .

To add fields to a card:

  1. Click Action.

  2. On the Connector Action card, click Add Options.

  3. In the dialog, click Add Field.

Field Definition Type
Group Name

Group name Options appears by default as a section title for any fields that are added to this section of the card.

The Options group name is not editable.

Label Display name for the field and appears above the value on the card. The label can contain letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, and spaces only. Leading or trailing spaces are prohibited. Text
Field Type Field type describes the type of field exposed to the card user. The following data types are supported for Options.
  • Text Field: Any static string value.

  • Dropdown: A list of items to be chosen by the card user.

Data Type

Type of data that will be passed into Connector Builder flows.

Text is the only available type for Options.

Required Indicates that a field is required during card setup. Defaults to Required. Boolean
Dropdown values
  • Static Values: This option allows you to create a dropdown that will be presented to a card user by manually populating the Display and Value fields. Display and value might be the same, as is the case for Custom API Action cards, but they may also be different. The value is what gets passed to the flow.

  • Helper Flow: This option allows you to choose a flow that will return the dropdown values. This option should be used if you need to collect a list from a service where that list may differ depending on the account.


Add helper flows to populate a dynamic dropdown

Builders can use helper flows to populate an Options dropdown when an HTTP call is needed to retrieve a list of items. Flows used to return a list of dropdown items should return an object in this shape:

"value":"Chinese (Simplified)",

See Add a dynamic dropdown field: HTTP example.

Related topics

Add static values for a dropdown options field

Add a dynamic dropdown field: HTTP example

Add input and output fields to connector cards

Build an httpHelper flow