Add configuration values for connector authentication

Some applications require users to perform extra configuration to authenticate to a service.

For example, the AWS S3 connector provides both an Account ID unique to Okta and an External ID unique to the connection. These must be copied into the trust policy of the associated Identity and Access Management role. See Authorization for AWS S3.

You can create and present these IDs using the optional Config Values section of the Authentication page.

Field Definition Type
Label The name shown for the configuration value on the New Connection dialog when setting up the connector. String
Definition Indicate whether this field is populated with a static value or a value from a helper flow.
  • For Static Value, enter the value in the Value field.

  • For Value from Helper Flow, select a flow from the Choose Flow dialog.

Helper flows can't use the connector's authentication to make a request.

Type Two different field types are available. The end user can copy both for use in another application.
  • Text: Shows a plain text field to the user. This is an open text field with no redaction.

  • Password: Shows a redacted text field. The user can't see what text is entered into this field.

Visible Determine whether the configuration value appears in the New Connection dialog for the connector.

You can use a hidden configuration value in your flows for reference, without displaying it to end users.


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