Build custom authentication

Custom authentication allows you to collect any information from the user that needs to be included in an API request.

A common example is the use of an API key that's managed in a third-party system. This is passed into an HTTP request, along with other header object keys and values. You can build these key and value pairs using the optional parameter fields section.

To add custom authentication:

  1. Click the Overview tab.

  2. Click Set up authentication.

  3. In the Authentication dialog, select Custom from the Auth Type dropdown list.

  4. Add any fields required for your custom authentication.

Field Definition
Parameters (Optional)

Parameters allow you to collect additional information from the connector user that might be necessary for authentication, such as their instance or subdomain. These fields are presented to the user when they first create a connection and are required.

Label: The name for the parameter that is shown on the New Connection dialog when setting up the connector.

Key: Text value in the key-value pairing that the service uses. For example, api_key, application_key, or authentication.

Type: You can select three different field types:

  • Text: Display a plain text field to the user. This is an open text field with no redaction.

  • Password: Display a redacted text field. The user can't see what text is entered into this field.

  • Dropdown List: Display a manually created dropdown list of values that the user can select.

Config Values (Optional)

Other configuration values may be needed to define how a user authenticates to your connector. Click Add Config Value.

Label: The name for the configuration value that is shown on the New Connection dialog when setting up the connector.

Definition: Indicate whether this field is populated with a static value or a value from a helper flow.

  • For Static Value, enter the value in the Value field.

  • For Value from Helper Flow, select a flow from the Choose Flow dialog.

Type: You can select two different field types:

  • Text: Displays a plain text field to the user. This is an open text field with no redaction.

  • Password: Displays a redacted text field. The user can't see what text is entered into this field.

The Visible toggle determines whether the configuration value appears in the authentication dialog for the connector.

Next steps

After you create this authentication method, you need to create an httpHelper flow to manage calls through the authentication method. See Build an httpHelper flow.

Add option fields to connector cards