Connector settings

The Settings page displays the basics of the branding for your connector.

  • Connector Name: This is the name of your service (for example, Salesforce, Slack, or ServiceNow). The name appears in the in-product Workflows catalog.

  • Key: A text string that serves as an ID for your connector. The string value can't be changed, and it can be seen anyone using your connector.

  • Description: A description of the functionality offered by your connector. The description is included in the connector catalog and indexed by the in-product search.

  • Icon: An image for your connector, shown at the top of every connector card.

  • Accent Color: A 3- or 6-character hexadecimal color representation for your connector. Include the # number sign. For example: #fc0 or #00297A.

  • User Documentation URL: A link to the documentation for your connector's APIs.

  • Support Contact Email: An email address for customers to ask for support when using your connector.

Next steps


Build basic authentication

Build OAuth 2.0 authentication

Build custom authentication