Advanced Server Access connector

Advanced Server Access is an application that manages SSH and RDP access to Linux and Windows servers.

Earlier versions of the Advanced Server Access connector and the Create Preauthorization action card are no longer available. Existing flows that contain the Create Preauthorization action card will continue to run without interruption.

To add or replace a Create Preauthorization card in a new or existing flow, you must create a new Advanced Server Access connection and select the Create Pre-authorization action card from the Add app action dialog.

Authorize your Advanced Server Access account

When you add a Advanced Server Access Action card to a flow for the first time, you'll choose which instance to connect. This authorization will be saved and can be reused in other cards. See Authorization.

For additional help using the Advanced Server Access connector, see Guidance for Advanced Server Access connector.

Advanced Server Access connector action cards



Add Group to Project Add a pre-existing Advanced Server Access group to a project.

Add User to Group

Add an Advanced Server Access user to a locally created group.

Change Project Properties of Project Group Update the project-level details for an Advanced Server Access project group.
Create ASA Group Create an Advanced Server Access Group. Add users to an Advanced Server Access group and assign the group to projects for access management.

Create Preauthorization

Create a preauthorization to allow a user to access an Advanced Server Access project.
Create Project Create an Advanced Server Access project.
Create Server Enrollment Token for Project Create a server enrollment token for an Advanced Server Access project. These tokens are used to enroll a server in a specific project in Advanced Server Access.

Custom API Action

Make a custom, authenticated HTTP call to the Advanced Server Access API.

Delete Project

Delete an Advanced Server Access project from a team.

List Projects for Team List all Advanced Server Access projects for a team.

List Server Enrollment Tokens within a Project

List server enrollment tokens within an Advanced Server Access project.

Read Server Enrollment Token for Project

Read a server enrollment token for an Advanced Server Access project.

Remove an ASA User from an ASA Group Remove an Advanced Server Access user from a group.
Remove Group from Team Remove an Advanced Server Access group from a team and any associated projects.
Update PreAuthorization Update a preauthorization in Advanced Server Access.
Update Project Update the settings of an Advanced Server Access project.