Search Repositories

Search for repositories in GitHub.


Field Definition Type Required
Result Set First Matching Record - returns the first record that matches.

All Matching Records - returns all matching records as a list.

Dropdown FALSE

For more accurate results, avoid using partial strings in your input query.

Due to GitHub limitations, a maximum of 1000 records can be returned with this action card.


Field Definition Type Required
Repository Name Name of the repository. String FALSE
Description Short description of the repository. String FALSE
Contents of README Contents of the preferred README for a repository. String FALSE
Organization Organization to which the repository belongs. Dropdown FALSE
Language Language of the repository. String FALSE
Topic List of topics for a repository. String FALSE
License name value of the license for a repository. Dropdown FALSE
Is Private Repo? Indicates whether a repository is private (True) or public (False). Boolean FALSE
Is Mirror? Indicates whether a repository is mirrored (True) or not (False). Boolean FALSE
Is Archived? Indicates whether a repository is archived (True) or not (False). Boolean FALSE


Field Definition Type
ID Unique identifier of the repository. Number
Global Node ID node_id value of the repository in the GitHub API. String
Name Name of the repository. String
Full Name Combined login and name of the repository; example, octocat/Hello-World. String
Owner Login Name Username of the repository owner. String
Owner ID Unique identifier of the repository owner. Number
Is Private? Indicates whether a repository is private (True) or public (False). Boolean
HTML URL URL of the repository; example, String
Description Short description of the repository. String
Is Fork? Indicates whether a repository is forked (True) or not (False). Boolean
Created At

Date and time when the object was created.

Date & Time
Updated At Date and time when the repository was last updated. Date & Time
Pushed At Date and time when contents were last pushed in the repository. Date & Time
Homepage URL of the homepage for the repository. String
Size Size of the repository (including all of its history), in kilobytes. Number
Stargazers Count Number of users who have starred the repository. Number
Watchers Count Number of users who are watching the repository. Number
Language Language of the repository. String
Forks Count Number of forks of the repository. Number
Open Issues Count Number of open issues in the repository. Number
Score Value of the a call's rate limit score in the repository; see Resource limitations. Number
Default Branch Indicates the default branch of the repository; example, Main. String
Is Archived? Indicates whether a repository is archived. Boolean

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