Search Users

Search for users in GitHub.


To use this action card in a flow, you must set up SAML support for your app in your GitHub instance. If SAML support isn't set up properly, search results will only product public information for a user. You must also be the owner of the organization.


Field Definition Type Required
Organization Organizations in GitHub. Dropdown FALSE
Result Set First Matching Record - returns the first record that matches.

All Matching Records - returns all matching records as a list.

Dropdown FALSE

For more accurate results, avoid using partial strings in your input query.

Due to GitHub limitations, a maximum of 1000 records can be returned with this action card.


Field Definition Type Required
Username Username for the user; can be an login or username. String FALSE
Public Full Name Public full name of the user. String FALSE
Public Email Public email address of the user. String FALSE


Field Definition Type
ID User's unique identifier. Number
Username Username for the user; can be an login or username. String
Public Name Publicly displayed name of the user. String
Global Node ID node_id value of the user in the GitHub API. String
Avatar URL URL of the user's avatar. String
HTML URL URL of the user; example, String
SCIM ID User's SCIM unique identifier. String
SCIM Username SCIM username of the user. String
Given Name First name of the user. String
Family Name Last name of the user. String
Emails Email addresses associated with the user. List
Active Indicates whether the identity is active (true) or should be deprovisioned (false). String

Related topics

GitHub connector

Workflow elements

GitHub API documentation