User Signed In Attempt

Trigger a flow when a user attempts to signs in to Okta.


Field Definition Type
Date and Time Date and time the event was triggered in Okta API. String
Message Message details about the event. String
Event ID Event's unique identifier key. String
Event Type Type of event that was published. String
Event Time Timestamp when the notification was delivered to the service. String

Versioning indicator.

ID ID of the Okta user who signed in. String
Alternate ID Email address of the Okta user. String
Display Name Display name of the Okta user. String
Type Type of Okta user. String
UUID Webhook event's universal unique identifier. String
Event Details Raw JSON payload returned from the Okta API for this particular event. Object
Headers Object representing the headers for the response; each key of the header will be parsed into a header string as "key: value" (Content-Type: text/plain). Object
Source Source of user-specific data. Object
Debug Context
Debug Data Information on the triggered event used for debugging; for example, returned data can include a URI, an SMS provider, or transaction ID. Object
Execution ID Execution identifier of the Webhook event. String

While you can create additional user or group fields for an Okta event, the Okta API only returns values for four fields: ID, Alternate ID, Display Name, and Type.

No other fields are supported for users or groups, and data from such fields isn't returned by this event card.

Related topics

Okta connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for Okta connector

Okta API documentation