
The Sign function card takes input text and uses a cryptographic hash algorithm and a private key to create a digital signature. You can send the signature, along with your public key, so that external parties can validate that you sent the original message and it hasn't been altered.

The format of the resulting hash can be Base64, hex, or binary, depending on the specified output parameter.


Field Definition Type Required
algorithm Select the cryptographic hash algorithm to use:
  • md5

  • sha1

  • sha256

  • sha384

  • sha512

Dropdown FALSE
data Your message that you want to have signed. String TRUE
digest Select the output formatting for the resulting hash:
  • base64

  • hex

  • binary

Dropdown FALSE
key Your private key for the signature. This should be a PEM-formatted private key.

You can generate a private key and a corresponding public key using OpenSSL commands. For example, to generate a passphrase-protected 2048-bit private PEM key:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out key.pem 2048

And for the corresponding public key

openssl rsa -in key.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem

String TRUE

If your private key is encrypted with a passphrase, enter that string.

Saving your private key and passphrase in plain text is a security risk. Okta recommends that you encrypt these entries and call them from separate locations.

To mitigate risk, don't save the execution history for any flow that would call this function and then have your unencrypted fields in the saved data.

String FALSE


Field Definition Type
output The digital signature of your input text. String

You can use the result of the output field wherever text can be sent.


To confirm that a piece of content is valid, your recipient needs your digital signature and the public key generated from your private key. They also need to know the algorithm used to generate the digital signature and the formatting of the output hash.

For example, Jane has sent the message My secret message! in a text file called message.txt to Bob.

Bob wants to confirm that it was Jane who sent the message, and that it wasn't altered along the way.

Jane uses the Sign function to generate a digital signature file using the sha256 algorithm and a digest option of base64. She copies the output of the function card into a text file called signature.base64.

To convert the Base64 output of the Sign function to a binary-formatted signature file, Jane runs the following on a command line:

base64 --decode signature.base64 > signature.bin

She sends that signature.bin file, along with her publicKey.pem to Bob, and notes that her signature uses the SHA-256 algorithm and the hash is formatted in Base64.

Bob uses the following command on his system to verify that the signature matches what was sent in the original file:

openssl dgst -sha256 -verify publicKey.pem -signature signature.bin message.txt

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