
Reads the value at a given path inside in an object.

For example, if the object is { "a":"one", "b":"two", "c": 17 }, then specifying a path of b retrieves the value two.

To get more than one value at a time from an object, use Get Multiple instead.

The output type should match the actual type of the value at that path. If the types don't match, the flow can fail at runtime.

For example, if you specify a path of c inside the object { "a":"one", "b":"two", "c": 17 }, the output type should be number because 17 is a number, not text.

Nested objects

You can retrieve values from nested objects by using a . (period) character to separate the key names. For example, if the object is { "all": { "b": "banana", "c":"cucumber" } } then a path of all.c indicates that the function should look for the key named c that is inside the key named all. The function would return the value cucumber.

Objects with lists

In addition, if the path contains a list, you can use the index number for the list item when you specify the path:

"all": [
"b": "banana"
"b": "blackberry"
"b": "breadfruit"

If you specify a path of all.2.b, then the function looks inside the object for the key all. It then retrieves the item at the index value of 2 (since indexes start at 0, this is the third value in the list) with a key named b. The function would return the value breadfruit from this example.


Field Definition Type Required


The object that you want to search for your selected key.




The key inside the object that identifies the selected value.




Field Definition Type


The value of the object identified by the specified path.


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Workflow elements