Convert a date and time to various formats.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
start |
Date and time text in ISO format, or a date and time object in one of the common date and time text formats that automatically convert. |
Text |
format |
Date format that indicates how to display the date or the time, such as M/D/Y to produce 9/7/2016, or hh:mm a to format a time as 09:05 am. See Format Codes. |
Text |
zone |
A TZ time zone, such as US/Pacific or Europe/Paris. See the time zone descriptions as specified by the IANA. |
Text |
Field | Definition | Type |
date |
Date and time object that corresponds to the start value. |
Date & Time |
iso |
Converted date and time in ISO format, but without fractional seconds. For example, 2016-09-07T16:55:25.670Z. |
Text |
epoch |
Date and time in epoch format. Seconds are counted since January 1, 1970, midnight UTC/GMT, not counting leap seconds. |
Text |
unix |
Date and time in milliseconds counted since January 1, 1970, midnight in the UTC/GMT time zone. |
Text |
human |
Human readable date and time, but not adjusted for local time zone. |
Text |
custom |
Text of the date in the format specified by the format and zone input fields. |
Text |
The input fields format and zone work only with the output field custom.
See the Date to Text function for details and examples of how to generate custom formatted dates and times as text. Using the custom output field is equivalent to using the Date To Text function.
To convert a Unix time to a date, use the Text to Date function instead of Convert.
If the start is 2016-09-07T00:01:25.670Z, then:
date is 2016-09-07T00:01:25.670Z
iso is 2016-09-07T00:01:25Z
epoch is 1473206485
unix is 1473206485670
human is Wed, September 7th at 12:01 AM
See the Date to Text function for examples for the custom output field. The custom output with the format and zone inputs works the same as the Date To Text function.