Manage Workflows roles

All Okta Workflows roles are assigned to users and groups using the Workflows Console, except for the Workflows Administrator role.

An Okta super admin manages the Workflows Administrator role through the Admin Console.

The information for the users and groups comes from your org's Universal Directory. Okta automatically passes any changes to the user or group details, including group membership, to Okta Workflows.

Before you begin

  • You must be signed in to the Okta Workflows Console with either super admin or Workflows Administrator privileges.

  • You can assign Okta Workflows roles only to users and groups that a super admin has assigned to the Okta Workflows app. See Assign the Okta Workflows app.

Add or change user and group role assignments

  1. In the Workflows Console, open the Settings page.

    The Settings page is available only to users with an assigned role in Okta Workflows.

  2. Open the Role assignment tab.

  3. Optional. You can use the available filters on the displayed results.

    • Type: See either User or Group

    • Role: See users or groups based on an existing role assignment

    • Search name or email: Enter a user or group name in the search field

    The Role assignments interface only displays a group's name.

    Click ({number} users) beside the group name to see the members assigned to the group in the Universal Directory.

  4. To assign a role to the user or group, click Edit in the Actions column.

  5. In the Edit role assignment dialog, select the Roles you want to assign.

    If you want to remove an existing role, clear the checkbox for that role.

  6. Click Save to confirm your changes.

Related topics

Roles and permissions

Resource permissions