Google Sheets connector

Google Sheets connector allows you to create, read, and update worksheets, rows, and columns.

For information on specific errors being returned from the Google Sheets API, see the Google Sheets API docs.

You can also check the status of the Google Sheets API for any possible service outages.

Authorize your Google Sheets account

Authorization: When you add a Google Sheets card to a flow for the first time, you'll be prompted to create a configuration. This will allow you to connect to your account, save your account information, and reuse that configuration next time you build a flow with the connector. By doing so, you don't have to authenticate every time you want to build a flow with this connector. Instead, use the configuration you have already set up.

Google Sheets connector event cards



New Row

Trigger a flow when a new row is added to a spreadsheet.

Google Sheets connector action cards



Clear Row

Clear a row in a Google Spreadsheet.

Copy Spreadsheet

Copy a complete spreadsheet, including all worksheets and data, to a new spreadsheet with a new name.

Copy Worksheet

Copy a worksheet from one spreadsheet to another.

Create Row

Add a new row to the bottom of a spreadsheet.

Create Spreadsheet

Create a single spreadsheet that contains multiple worksheets.

Create Worksheet

Create a new worksheet in a spreadsheet of your choice.

Custom API Action

Make a custom authenticated HTTP call to the Google Sheets API.

Delete Rows

Delete a row in a Google Sheet.

Delete Spreadsheet

Delete an existing spreadsheet.

Delete Worksheet

Remove a single worksheet and all of its data.

Read All Rows

Read all non-header rows from a worksheet and return them as a collection.

Read All Spreadsheets

Retrieve ID information about every spreadsheet in a Google Sheets account.

Read Cell

Read the values from a specific cell in a spreadsheet.

Read Column

Retrieve values from a column in a Google Sheet.

Read Row

Read the values from a specific row.

Read Spreadsheet Info

Read information about a spreadsheet in your Google Sheets account.

Read Worksheet Info

Retrieve information about a worksheet in your Google Sheets account.

Search Column

Search one column in a Google Sheet for a specific term.

Update Cell

Change the value in a cell.

Update Row

Update the values in a spreadsheet row.

Update Worksheet Info

Update a worksheet's metadata information.

Google Sheets connector limitations

To learn more about connector performance, known issues, and limitations, see Known issues and limitations for Google Sheets connector.