Read Task

Read a Task or Catalog Task in ServiceNow.

The output fields on this card are dynamically generated based on your ServiceNow instance. The output fields include the default fields provided by ServiceNow. For example, Active, Approval history, Description, Time worked, and any custom fields you've added to your Task or Catalog Task tables. This topic describes some of the common output fields.


Field Definition Type Required

Task Type

Choose one of the Task types to read:

  • Task: The base task type in ServiceNow. Reads a task record.

  • Catalog Task: A subtype of task specific to the Service Catalog. Reads an sc_task record.




Field Definition Type Required


System ID

The unique record identifier (sys_id) for the task.




Field Definition Type



An identifying number for each task record.

This field is the display value for the Task table.

The system generates this number when the task is created.



A long description of the work to be done.


Short description

A short description of the task. This description is used as a title for the record.


Additional comments

Comments about the task record.

Each comment is inserted into the Activity field.



The date and time when a human opened the task record for the first time.

Date & Time

Approval history

History of approvals for the record.


Watch list

Specifies the users that receive email and SMS notifications when the record is updated.

By default, only the Incident, Change, and Service Catalog applications notify users listed in this field.

For other Task-based applications, you must create and send custom email notifications to these users.


Task type

Specifies the type of task, which corresponds to the child class.

The system populates this value when a record is created on a child table.



Specifies how high a priority the task should be for the assignee.

By default, the calculatePrioritybusiness rule calculates this value based on the Impact and Urgency values.

Record lists then color-code each task by degree of priority.


Work notes list

Specifies the users that receive email and SMS notifications when work notes are added to the record.

By default, only the Change, Problem, and Service Catalog applications notify users listed in this field.

For other Task-based applications, you must create and send custom email notifications to these users.


Assigned to

Specifies the user assigned to complete the task.

By default, this field uses a reference qualifier to only display users with the itil role. Some applications override the parent reference qualifier to display relevant users.

For example, the Service Order and Project Task tables filter users based on their skills.



Specifies whether work is still being done on a task or whether the work for the task is complete.

By default, only application-specific business rules set the value of this field.

For example, the incident autoclose business rule closes resolved incidents that haven't been updated for one day.



Indicates how long the task has been open.

Escalations are dynamically populated using service level agreements, which specify how long a task remains in each escalation state. Escalation states go from Normal to Moderate to High, and finally to Overdue.

Record lists color code each task by escalation state.



Status of the task. Values include the following:

  • Pending

  • Open

  • Work in Progress

  • Closed Complete

  • Closed Incomplete

  • Closed Skipped

Applications typically use dictionary overrides to display application-specific states.


Time worked

Displays a timer that measures how long a record is open in the form view.


Work notes

Displays and allows the entry of comments viewable only by ITIL users.

Each comment is inserted into the Activity field. See Journal field type.



Displays the date and time when the task record was created.

Date & Time

Sys ID

The unique record identifier (sys_id) for the task.


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