Enable run mode for polling monitors

As polling monitors run on a custom schedule, these cards require a run mode setting so that your users can specify how their flow executes when receiving the filtered payload.

The payload received from the remote service consists of either: zero records, or a non-zero number of records all contained in one batch.

The Enable Run mode option is always active for polling monitor cards.

Run mode options

When they add a polling monitor card to their flow, your users have these choices for the Run mode option on the card:



Each record

This is the default mode.

The flow executes for each individual item returned in the batch of records.

Configured output groups appear as separate output fields on the polling monitor card, for example:

No New Data

The flow executes once, but only if the payload contains zero records that match your specified criteria.

This can be useful for a flow that sends a simple notification that no new records appeared in the polling event.

Every time

The flow executes every time the polling monitor calls the external service.

The flow executes once and processes the entire collection of records returned in the payload.

When the user chooses this option, the polling monitor output is a list of objects, where each record received from the payload is a separate object. These objects contain the configured output groups as top-level keys and the configured fields as second-level keys, for example: